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Hiya guys, welcome aboard. Hope you enjoy your stay! :righton:

Feel free to get involved with any activities here, and ask as many questions as you like. On the same note, don't be afraid to offer your input for other people's questions too should you feel so inclined. [honesty]

Hey All,

As you may have guessed, I'm new here!
I was looking for a dutch photoshop forum but unfortunately this was nowhere to be found :{

I'm glad though to have found this one :D

Grtz Eva
Hi Eva, glad you found us. Hope you enjoy your stay. :righton:

And btw... sorry you didn't find a Dutch board, but feel free to bust into your native language any time you want here. I'm sure there are at least a few other members here who will understand. ;)
Well...! Not for the first time, I'm a newbie on a message board! This is becoming a habit, this! [confused]

Anyway, I zipped down the 'Net from another PS board (which I'm also new on!).

Pretty new to PS so no doubt I'll be asking a heck of a lot of silly questions in the not too distant future! Feel free to slap me down!

petersjm Welcome to the Forum enjoy your stay and fell free to ask questions noone will slap you down. :)
About time you got here Wolfie. :D

Welcome aboard to everyone else I missed welcoming too! We've got a great community here, enjoy your stay. :)
Level1: Pergio Maximus...

Greetings Fellow Photoshopists & Graphics Artists Alike:

My name is Cliff (Cleveland) *Not from Ohio, and not one of the dead Presidents...*, and I hail from Germany.

Saw your site, thought that I'd join. And learn more there is to
learn in Adobe Photoshop. I began Photoshop in the 5.0 Deutsch version, then moved to 5.0 LE English, and then when I purchased my first computer system, WinXP Home Deutsch, and Photoshop Elements 2.0 came with it. Now I have PS7, and CS. I delve into 3DSM5 and 6, Lightwave, and occasionally Ulead PI7 and 8.

I'll post links to where I do work. My works include crossovers of the softwares mentioned, manips, avys, sigs, wallpapers, and Graphics to CD Label transitionings. I have allot to talk about...but,
can't type fast enough to do so. 52WPM.

Thanks for having me.....

Stay Tuned....

Pergio Maximus 8))
Level1: Pergio Maximus...

Greetings Fellow Photoshopists & Graphics Artists Alike:

My name is Cliff (Cleveland) *Not from Ohio, and not one of the dead Presidents...*, and I hail from Germany.

Saw your site, thought that I'd join. And learn more there is to
learn in Adobe Photoshop. I began Photoshop in the 5.0 Deutsch version, then moved to 5.0 LE English, and then when I purchased my first computer system, WinXP Home Deutsch, and Photoshop Elements 2.0 came with it. Now I have PS7, and CS. I delve into 3DSM5 and 6, Lightwave, and occasionally Ulead PI7 and 8.

I'll post links to where I do work. My works include crossovers of the softwares mentioned, manips, avys, sigs, wallpapers, and Graphics to CD Label transitionings. I have allot to talk about...but,
can't type fast enough to do so. 52WPM.

Thanks for having me.....

Stay Tuned....

Pergio Maximus 8))
Level1: Pergio Maximus...

Greetings Fellow Photoshopists & Graphics Artists Alike:

My name is Cliff (Cleveland) *Not from Ohio, and not one of the dead Presidents...*, and I hail from Germany.

Saw your site, thought that I'd join. And learn more there is to
learn in Adobe Photoshop. I began Photoshop in the 5.0 Deutsch version, then moved to 5.0 LE English, and then when I purchased my first computer system, WinXP Home Deutsch, and Photoshop Elements 2.0 came with it. Now I have PS7, and CS. I delve into 3DSM5 and 6, Lightwave, and occasionally Ulead PI7 and 8.

I'll post links to where I do work. My works include crossovers of the softwares mentioned, manips, avys, sigs, wallpapers, and Graphics to CD Label transitionings. I have allot to talk about...but,
can't type fast enough to do so. 52WPM.

Thanks for having me.....

Stay Tuned....

Pergio Maximus 8))
Well...I'm one of the newest members in here...but I love the place..it's incredible...now I know where I'm gon spend most of my time.. :righton: I'm from Bulgaria and my major in college is "Computer systems and technologies in graphix, animation and multimedia"..so maybe one day I'm gon be the best....like you guys..well..I hope we're gon meet more often from now on. PEACE.

Hey all,

Totally new to photoshop and this looks like a great place to get started. I've been using Microsoft PictureIt! Pro 2001 (I think) for a while, so I'm not too new at art programs, just Photoshop (I have 7.0). PictureIt seems easier to get around in, but wayyy less powerful...
My signature is the first thing I have made with photoshop, can't wait to become more advanced :righton:

I wanted to say Hello to everybody...

I'm definately not "The Pro" (even if few people said this but it's not truth). I'm interested in picture editing, especialy blur/sharpen issues and antialiasing. Resampling is my target, I want to learn some manual techniques which helps me with editing...

I think I'll learn many new things here...


Hello all. My name is Barry and I am fresh meat as of today. I tend to be polite but if I do happen to do something silly, stupid or other wise unforgivable by the standards of this forum please tell me at once so I can correct the problem.


PS. Oh, my spelling is bad, my typing is worse and my grammar is practically nonexistent. The three together often spell disaster. Sorry about that but this is a sad little fact of my life that Io have long since accepted and I hope every one here can as well.

"Bad spellers of the world untie!!!"
Welcome Eltorro, welcome Jeff, welcome Lucky! And any other new members i may have missed. :D

Hope you all enjoy your stay.
Don't be shy about getting involved with any community activities, like challenges or 'fodder', or what-have-you.

Everyone's welcome here. :righton: :B
