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Search results

  1. L

    Best Photoshop Product for a beginner.

    If you're just learning then get Photoshop ELements. Period. I spend two years using that program before going to full blown PS and it was a great learning experience. Besides, many folks never get beyond needing anything more than Elements. I have two friends who are amateur photographers and...
  2. L

    Moving brushes, actions, styles from CS2 yo CS3

    Thanks anyway, Gaus. :righton:
  3. L

    Moving brushes, actions, styles from CS2 yo CS3

    UPDATE: Before moving all those presets I tried directing CS3 to an additional presets folder on the Preferences>pluging page (it's been so long that I forgot that I had done that with CS2). Anyway, all the Actions show up in CS3, Gaus, but the Bruches, custome shapes and styles are grayed out...
  4. L

    Moving brushes, actions, styles from CS2 yo CS3

    Copy CS3 files first - good idea. Thanks, Gaus :righton:
  5. L

    Moving brushes, actions, styles from CS2 yo CS3

    Hey Gaus, I just got CS3 and want to move my brushes, actions, styles from 2 to 3. Can I just go to the folder in CS2 that has those things and to a copy/paste to CS3? Thank you, sir Lee
  6. L

    Fun website for photographers and Photoshop users

    Okay, Ron. Anxiously awaiting your next installment. ;)
  7. L

    new to hdr

    That's one of the reasons it's so good, Ron. Flat lighting (the whole scene lit with either the sun or flash) is almost always boring. Think of photography as "painting" with light. Creative lighting will almost always give you positive results. :righton:
  8. L

    new to hdr

    LOVE the first one, Ron. You'd never guess that you're just getting into photography with that kind of image. Two thumbs up, buddy. :righton: :righton: The second one, in all honesty, does nothing for me. WAY too much color saturation. The third one, as I mentioned in the other thread, is a...
  9. L

    Fun website for photographers and Photoshop users

    VERY nice image, Ron. You're on your way. :righton: The only thing that bothers me is the "blueish" color in the middle of the foreground. What's that? Maybe too much hue/saturation or HDR? L
  10. L

    Fun website for photographers and Photoshop users

    A timer is just as good, Ron. Like you said, if you stay with this you'll have all those goodies when you get the Nikon. Bogen is a great name in tripods. You done good, son. :) L
  11. L

    Fun website for photographers and Photoshop users

    Hey Ron, Sorry, I forgot to suggest that you always use a cable release when possible. The camera on a tripod and a cable release will assure you that your images will be tack sharp. L
  12. L

    Fun website for photographers and Photoshop users

    Sounds like you're on the right track, Ron. The lens is the most important part of a camera. You're always MUCH better taking a mid range camera body and a first class lens (sometimes referred to as "the glass") and Leica is noted for their top of the line cameras and lenses. I am not familiar...
  13. L

    Fun website for photographers and Photoshop users

    Thanks, Gaus. Hey Ron, I'd be happy to help any way I can. I've been shooting for almost 40 years. Most as a hobbyist and 15 as an advertising photographer in Atlanta and ALL of it before the wonderful age of digital photography (unfortunately). I just started teaching myself Photoshop when I...
  14. L

    Fun website for photographers and Photoshop users

    Some of you might be interested in this. A website that can help you create some really fantastic images when you're interested in using your imagination, being really creative, and playing around with Photoshop. www.myphotoelements.com Here's some samples of what I did recently. Moderated...
  15. L

    Photo adjustments

    Welcome, Royals All the things you mentioned are important but rarely does one image need them all. If you could post the image your are talking about we could better help you learn to improve what need some adjustment.
  16. L

    How do you convert only a certain part of a color photo to black and white?

    Like most things in PS there are many ways to do the same thing. The easiest way for someone totally new is to use one of the selection tools in the Tool palette on the left border of PS and, once you've selected the part of the image you want black and while, go to Image>Adjustments and pick...
  17. L

    glass effect

    Boy, that's a great start, Ron. Nice work.
  18. L

    cs3 beta question

    I liked the changes/improvements when PS went from 7 to CS and then CS2 (and I bought the upgrades) but after downloading and trying the beta CS3 I think the jury is still out with me on that upgrade. Personality, I just didn't see any "must have" changes. I think this just might be the first...
  19. L

    Web page design help

    Thank you, sir. :) I'm off to make a pattern. :righton: Lee UPDATE: That was it, Gaus. Played around for about 2 hours with different shades of dark grey. Thanks again.
  20. L

    Web page design help

    http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c225/Lee3344/Adobe-LightroomScreen.jpg There was an option the user could set to change the background on the center window. I no longer have my trial beta but it should be under preferences. It really looks outstanding!!!