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new to hdr


continueing from another thread. These are some more experiments using the CS3 'merge to hdr'. This probably won't interest some of you photography 'purists'. But I find HDR to be an exciting new approach to creating a final image especially for use for magazine and book covers and for photo-illustration for editorial work. The intensity of color and contrast lends itself to very dramatic visual statements. Although I'm new to the concept and procedure I know that it's only a matter of time before I've 'got it nailed. Posted are some early attempts. Critique please!!!
LOVE the first one, Ron. You'd never guess that you're just getting into photography with that kind of image. Two thumbs up, buddy. :righton: :righton:

The second one, in all honesty, does nothing for me. WAY too much color saturation.

The third one, as I mentioned in the other thread, is a really nice image except for the blue in the foregound.

I think you're off to a great start. Keep it up.

Lee, I really like the first one as well, funny thing is, I'd just gotten the camera that afternoon and spent some time getting to know it. This shot was taken using available light, just at sunset. I set the camera on a counter and pushed the trigger, whalha. I got exactly the shot that I wanted. having a design background hopefully will help. I don't care for many landscapes or 'snapshots', I prefer composition and will be aiming at that.
Glad you appreciate the shot. There's more of these on the way. ( my home is full of these vignettes and still lifes, thanks to my wife )

This was shot the same night.....plus some basic Photoshoppery
This shot was taken using available light, just at sunset.

That's one of the reasons it's so good, Ron. Flat lighting (the whole scene lit with either the sun or flash) is almost always boring. Think of photography as "painting" with light. Creative lighting will almost always give you positive results. :righton:
