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printer settings

That is advanced settings i am in for my printer. Also if you look at screen shot for a new page the box is ticked for a white page but it is not showing white. We are going into reverse again lol


  • A Printer advanced settings.jpg
    A Printer advanced settings.jpg
    58.6 KB · Views: 8
  • A PS White.jpg
    A PS White.jpg
    49.2 KB · Views: 8
The colors indicated in the tool menu are the selected Foreground/background color and won't change as you select the options for the new page. When you click OK, the new document will take on the options you selected for it including the white background. In your screenshot, had you selected Background color, the new document will have a yellow fill color.... Transparent will have no color and show empty box pattern.
Before when i opened up a new page it automatically opened up white but now in the default tool bar foreground and background is black and light yellow. I never altered anything. I cant help feeling my PS colours are corrupted in some way.


  • A PS TOOLBAR.jpg
    A PS TOOLBAR.jpg
    53.1 KB · Views: 1

Default is and will always be black over white. Click those 2 icons indicated OR hit the D key in your keyboard to reset it to the default or X to switch the two.

If the white still shows as pale yellow, it's one of 2 things - either you havent optimized your monitor for use with PS (Use Adobe Gamma in Control Panel) or your monitor or monitor driver is faulty. In which case, you have to do what's needed.
Im lost i looked in control panel and adobe gamma is there. I noticed in the swatches what is supposed to be white is yellow. All the others are true colour. I tried pressing D but made no difference. I never altered anything so i am at a loss. I know you are trying your best to help but no matter what is suggested im getting nowhere with my ignorance. I ave been using the basics of PS for a long time and printing a white plain sheet was second nature.
Somewhere along the way, your monitor's color display may change without you expecting it. Run the adobe gamma calibration application to calibrate your monitor for consistent color display in Photoshop. ... follow the step by step instructions . Select STEP by STEP WIZARD .

The goal here is to adjust your monitor to display the blackest black and whitest white. Display of other colors will or may also improve.
I have done that to my ability a book i remember reading said the default for the background and foreground is black and white. for some strange reason foreground is now light yellow. I even went to the extremes of uninstalling PS without any success i am completely lost.
You did the color calibration via Adobe Gamma? Is everything else, other images that's supposed to have pure white in it or even anything white on this thread displaying with a yellow tint like your PS default color?

I once had a monitor that shows the background box as pale yellow and everything I painted white with that tint. I've since replaced it. The problem must be your monitor.
Maybe i am away off beam but in the swatch colours if you put the mouse over what is light yellow it is saying it is white. No matter what i try i cannot get a white pallette, it is always a light yellow. When i open a page it should appear white but it is not it is light yellow. I cant help in my ignorance think it is within PS if i go into word to print a leter it is pure white the same with any letters i have saved in my documents
"...No matter what i try i cannot get a white pallette, it is always a light yellow...."

But, am I correct in remembering that you said that the whites in the PSD that I sent you came out white, not yellow? To be perfectly clear, at this point, I'm referring to what you see in your monitor, not what you print.

If the above statement is true, then I don't see any way it can be your monitor or monitor profile.

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Jack, the last few days at work were extremely busy for me, so I need to get caught up on your current status.

1. Specifically, is your printer back together and working? Yes or no?

2. Even if it is, is there any way you can borrow or rent another inkjet printer (hopefully from a different mfgr) to use to compare to your own printer? Yes or no? (obviously, doing so would be very beneficial to you).

3. Finally, one comment: When you are describing some condition or have posted some image, PLEASE, PLEASE be sure that you include an exact and complete description of the method used and the conditions under which the test (or print, or whatever) were taken.

As a specific (bad) example, in post #52 in this thread, you say: "...The file i sent you is scanned of the image i sent you which printed out cyan instead of yellow...."

We shouldn't have had to pry this information out of you. You should have stated that it was a scan of a print when you first posted/sent it, not many posts/hours later.

Put yourself in our shoes. We are trying to help you, but we aren't mind readers. For all we knew, this file could have been (a) a screenshot, (b) the result of a "Save As JPG (or whatever)" from within PS, (c) a scan of a print, or (d) any of several other things. The utility and interpretation of the file depends dramatically on which of these possibilities it is. If we have to guess or keep asking you for more information, we're just wasting time. This is why, in my posts, I have taken to adding phrases that are underlined, and in a bold font, eg, ...what do you see on your monitor... to distinguish that possibility from say, (a) through (d), above. This is one reason we sometimes seem to be going around in circles -- because we aren't entirely sure of the method or conditions of a particular test that you ran or a statement that you had previously made.

Also, when I go to the trouble of carefully phrasing and numbering questions, please don't respond with a long, stream-of-consciousness paragraph. If a simple yes or no will answer the question, that's all that is needed. To ensure clarity, please put your answer to each separate question right after each question, not all jumbled up in a single, long paragraph.


I agree Tom thats why im convinced its a PS issue. whatever colour is on my monitor is a true colour. Thats why i went into word and the page appears a normal white. In PS I cannot get the background colour to default white foreground is ok default black. That is why as a drastic measure i uninstalled PS hoping a re install would bring it back to the defauls B & W in the tol bar. Hope I am explaining myself. I am happy to take any of the opinions even though i may think a litle different because i am out of my depth and there is no sense asking for expert guidence if i am not going to act upon it.
Hi Jack - Thanks for the two responses. Let me probe two of your recent statements.

"... whatever colour is on my monitor is a true colour ..."

The only way I would make this statement is if everything I see in PS on my monitor looks like it has the correct color. You said that the PSD file I sent you looked great, but I think that you have also repeatedly said that under some circumstances pure whites look like a light yellow (and not just on the little swatch of colors).

Have you taken the eyedropper tool and actually measured the RGB numbers for what you think is a pure white, but which displays as a pale yellow?

Your statement also worries me because of one of the two earliest files you posted, the field of flowers with the blue cast. If your system displays colors properly within PS, then that file should have looked as blue to you as it looks to me, ie, not at all normal colors, so then why did you send it? What were you trying to demonstrate by sending me a file you presumably knew had terrible colors?

"... Thats why i went into word and the page appears a normal white. ..."

Just checking:

1. Did you mean, "I went into word ..." or "I went into work..."?

2. You said, "...the page appears...". What page? We've been talking about many pages in this thread. All pages, some pages, etc. How did you import the image into Word? Cut and paste a screen shot? Used PS's "Save as a JPG" command, and then used Word's "Insert picture" command? some other method?.

3. I presume that when you used the word, "appears", you meant "appears on my monitor", not "appears on my printer", right?

4. Your idea of checking the colors in image files using other image viewing applications is a good one, but, IMO, Word is perhaps not the best choice because of its complexity. May I suggest that you download and install some simple, free, but well regarded Image file viewer such as Irfanview, or XnView and let us know how the whites look in these applications. By this I mean make a plain white page (as described by dv8 in previous posts), save it as a JPG, and then open that JPG in the Irfanview or XnView.

Tom please forget about the flowers it is a red herring i think i printed that out using a conflicting settings and i sent it to show outcome.
Thite page is just a page opened up in microsoft word and page prints out normally. What is IMO?
I honestly dont remember saying that about the yellow. I did not mean to mislead you. I first contacted you when a yellow page i made with paint bucket printed out cyan and i was wondering if it had anything to do with PS settings and printer settings.
The problem at the moment is i cannot get white as default task bar for background and in the swatches if you put the pointer over where the white is it is actually light yellow and it opens up this colour when i go to file and open a new page instead of as before it is not white but light yellow. May i respectably ask you concentrate on that because we wont be able be able to test anything else until i have my printer running. On hindsight complicated things on previous posts instead of being brief and to the point.
Jack, I'm sorry, but I'm can't seem to get it across to you that to help, I need you to clearly answer all of my questions, respond to my suggestions, etc.., even if a given question may not seem relevant to you.

For example, in post #78 in this thread, I asked several questions but received answers to only a very small number of them. Here are the questions in that post followed by a summary of your response, or lack thereof:

"Have you taken the eyedropper tool and actually measured the RGB numbers for what you think is a pure white,..." - NO ANSWER, NOT EVEN A PROMISE TO TRY THIS METHOD TO VERIFY COLORS NUMERICALLY INSTEAD OF VISUALLY.

"...so then why did you send it? What were you trying to demonstrate by sending me a file you presumably knew had terrible colors?..." - YOU FINALLY DID ANSWER THIS QUESTION (ie, after repeatedly asking the same thing in previous posts)

"...Did you mean, "I went into word ..." or "I went into work..."?" - NO DIRECT ANSWER (but from the mention of Microsoft Word in your latest post, it sounds like you did mean "Word", not "work" in the previous post, as well.

"..2. .You said, "...the page appears...". What page? We've been talking about many pages in this thread. All pages, some pages, etc. How did you import the image into Word? Cut and paste a screen shot? Used PS's "Save as a JPG" command, and then used Word's "Insert picture" command? some other method?. " - NOT ONE SINGLE ANSWER TO ANY OF THESE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (maybe the answer is embedded in your text, but I can't figure it out).

"...3. I presume that when you used the word, "appears", you meant "appears on my monitor", not "appears on my printer", right?..." - NO ANSWER (My guess is that you meant "monitor" because you currently don't have a working printer, but your statement could easily have referred to observations made before you took your printer out of service. You just can't leave loose ends like this hanging. You've got to make simple, declarative unambiguous statements that require no interpretation or guess-work on our part.

"...May I suggest that you download and install some simple, free, but well regarded Image file viewer such as Irfanview, or XnView..." - NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER TO MY SUGGESTION TO INSTALL SOME OTHER FILE VIEWERS.

The same sort of thing has happened when I've asked you similarly direct questions in earlier posts.

Remotely diagnosing a problem like this requires the utmost clarity in communication. Because of our different styles of communicating, I unfortunately have come to the conclusion that I can't help you remotely. If we were neighbors, I would be more than happy to drop over, and we could probably sort things out in an afternoon. I think your best option would be to find an expert in your area to see for themselves exactly what is going on, and physically work on your system.

Sorry, I've given it my best try.

