Jack - I'm really confused. :-(
In post #11 in this thread, you sent us two PSD files - the sheet of paper and a picture of some flowers that you got off of the web. Both of these should have had normal color balances, but they both showed a strong cyan cast when I viewed them on my system.
Next, I sent you a well color-balanced photo of a family in the park, and you essentially said that its color was fine.
Before we move on to the printer and its odd color output, we first have to figure out whether or not photoshop is (occasionally?) sending the printer correctly colored files or not.
Maybe I read too much into those two PSD files, but my assumption from you posting and sending those files was that they were representative of the general behavior of your system, ie, almost everything that you generate yourself has a strong cyan cast ( ON YOUR MONITOR ).
Please just ignore the printer for the moment. When one is diagnosing a problem like this, one must be rigorously systematic and work one's way through the system from start to finish, one stage at a time. At this point, I'm still not sure whether the cyan cast is generated before or just after the image arrives in PS, or is it present only when printing, and if most images that you make yourself, when viewed on your monitor, have decent color balance or not.
Anyway, pls. tell me if most images that you generate yourself have a strong cyan cast (WHEN VIEWED ON YOUR MONITOR).