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Please remove a person


I would like please,
that a member with access to the AI possibilities of photoshop
tries to remove the person sitting next to the girl who is standing in the very center.
I do not think I can achieve the often surprising results
that some members achieve

Last edited:
Look great Sir
You're very welcome. Basically selected the subject, then expanded the selection by 10px. and then hit Generative Fill. It's not often that easy or quick.
Please feel free to continue on with the image to do any additional work. :)
@JeffK _ Hey, I am not being critical of your outcome as it's not really yours if AI was involved. You also clearly stated that it could use some work.

Almost all of what the AI guessed at doesn't make sense........
AI generated image with added table line for reference.
Screen Shot 2024-07-02 at 6.01.02 PM.png

What does the AI think this is?
Screen Shot 2024-07-02 at 6.01.17 PM.png

I've looked at this carefully, and I really can't tell you what this might be!!
Any guesses from anyone? Name these objects.
Screen Shot 2024-07-02 at 6.04.15 PM.png
What does the AI think this is?
Any guesses from anyone? Name these objects.

It seems as if AI sampled numerous images of restaurant counters, grabbed shards of each and mashed them together into a cubist collage. One-tenth of a toaster; one-tenth of a Post-It note; one-tenth of a cash register. Any individual color or shape somehow registers as plausible, but taken as a whole it becomes an abstraction of reality.

Here's a 1919 painting by Georges Braque (Still Life With Guitar) with similar qualities.

when all is said and done - the sign over the serving counter looks like it was created with ai in the first place ;-)
Please explain. What makes it more of a challenge or take longer?
Generative Fill/AI is not always the complete answer and I've found that if often takes additional editing using alternate tools to complete the image. In complex areas, the results can often be a hodgepodge of stolen items from other parts of the image. Not to say that it can't do some amazing edits. Laborious editing can be done with minimal effort by AI. But as with all edits, a serious eye by the artist is needed, to render a carefully curated image. That's the challenge and that's what takes time. Perfection might be an honorable goal but it can also be an elusive one. Or as a mentor once said to me, it's like trying to determine how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
The final question is what are you trying to achieve.

In the context of the image worked on here, has AI provided what's needed? Considering the environment, I think AI has done some decent heavy lifting. And although I offered the caveat that it wasn't complete, any image that I post here is my responsibility with or without AI. So has AI done what you asked it to do - or are you counting angels on the head of that pin... :) ..
Thanks again
Overall, the result is very satisfactory.
The person was replaced and the rest remains acceptable.
I removed the hand on the left and cut the person on the right side.
So thank you for her pre-wedding memory.

@JeffK _ This is yet again not a personal attack on you! It's a statement of my concern for the use of AI and how it's diminishing the need for actual skills. You just happen to be the one trying to defend it in this particular case.

In complex areas, the results can often be a hodgepodge of stolen items from other parts of the image.
This is the part that I find to be the problem. Hodgepodge is now acceptable.

But as with all edits, a serious eye by the artist is needed, to render a carefully curated image. That's the challenge and that's what takes time.
That eye can't be too serious if it's accepting of hodgepodge! It can't or shouldn't be much of a challenge if it's just a matter of accepting hodgepodge results.

Perfection might be an honorable goal but it can also be an elusive one. Or as a mentor once said to me, it's like trying to determine how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
I agree! The level of perfection is set by the individual doing the work. It's really more like how many angels dancing on the head of a pin is considered sufficient? More for some and much less for others.

In the context of the image worked on here, has AI provided what's needed? Considering the environment, I think AI has done some decent heavy lifting.
Good question. Considering the environment and the hodgepodge result, the AI did ALL of the lifting and it was deemed satisfactory. So I guess it did provide what was needed.......or did it?

any image that I post here is my responsibility with or without AI.
You're right it's your responsibility, however if AI is involved, it is not your work. It's like turning in a paper that was partially written by AI. It's your paper but it's not completely your original work. In academia, this is considered plagiarism. What should it be called in the art world?

Someone here once stated, "It's only about the results and not how you got there." If the results are acceptable, then who am I to argue with that! Perhaps I require a few more angels dancing on the head of my pin. All of our pins are different!
Overall, the result is very satisfactory.
Satisfactory seems to be the new standard for excellence.

Bottom line for me is that AI, as it pertains to Photoshop, is a crutch! It eliminates the need to actually have skills or the desire to obtain them! I guess my expectations are too high and certainly not shared by the many. Gone are the days of people learning skills and getting better.

Note: For those who would argue that AI improves their times and workflow..........I can't argue with that............at least until I can see the results.
I spent all of 10 minutes using AI for a quick and dirty job for illustration purposes. Never meant it as a prime example of AI quality.
I spent all of 10 minutes using AI for a quick and dirty job for illustration purposes. Never meant it as a prime example of AI quality.
I think this discussion has gotten way beyond what @kabak had requested and is certainly unfair to him. Should be moved to another forum...
Should be moved to another forum...
This has always been in the Photoshop Board. This thread was a discussion. He's wanting to see how others get better/surprising results using AI. This was a good request since I too would like to see those results and how you accomplished them.

Had this been an actual free request, he would not have asked specifically for AI results. The Free Ps Request forum is open for everyone to participate and not limited to those with AI possibilities. Not all members have a version of Ps with AI capabilities. I feel he is getting some of what he's asking for, even though I realize that they are not completely finished.

that a member with access to the AI possibilities of photoshop
tries to remove the person sitting next to the girl who is standing in the very center.
I do not think I can achieve the often surprising results
that some members achieve

However, I will admit that I am very disappointed with the help he has received. If you are going to use AI, I would like to see someone put in a genuine effort and complete a usable edit. Unless you guys think that's already been done. In which case, I will just shut up.

PS. I have completed an edit for this image, but I did not use AI so I guess I'm disqualified.
He's wanting to see how others get better/surprising results using AI. This was a good request since I too would like to see those results and how you accomplished them.
Had this been an actual free request, he would not have asked specifically for AI results.
He did ask for a specific AI edit but based on a later post, he also wrote

Yet Kabak wrote in a later response
Overall, the result is very satisfactory.
The person was replaced and the rest remains acceptable.
I removed the hand on the left and cut the person on the right side.
So thank you for her pre-wedding memory.

So it was not just simply an AI exercise but a request for an edit. And with some additional work by kabak and, not to your specific complaints, the AI edit was accepted nearly in its entirety.

I come from a publishing/printing background. I have great aesthetic respect for a hardcover book carefully curated in details. Quality of paper, binding, typeface, finishing accessories like headbands, printed end-papers, etc. I have bought books just for those elements. Yet my wife worked for a company that produced far less expensive reprints of public domain editions as less expensive paperbacks with a minimum of finishing. They did fabulously well and are still producing these reprints.

Does this cheapen the content of the book? Depends on your own sense of style and need. Both versions accomplish what is needed - delivery of the actual content. So maybe taking the argument to the extreme - do you need a Ferrari to drive down to the store for a container of milk?

It does not matter to the OP, in this case kabak, what the individual items on a shelf look like, or how the table is extended. The edit was fulfilled. It s no reflection on what was needed or the OP's opinion. AI did what it was asked to do.

I thoroughly enjoy a well crafted piece - whether its digital or analog. I have great admiration and respect for craftsmen working in all materials. But for a "consumable "such as those we edit here, there is such a thing as good enough. And I don't mean that in a pejorative sense. You basically deliver what is needed. That, I think, is what AI is attempting to do.

I would like to see someone put in a genuine effort and complete a usable edit. Unless you guys think that's already been done. In which case, I will just shut up.
PS. I have completed an edit for this image, but I did not use AI so I guess I'm disqualified.

This expresses to me a sense of resentment. Show the work and we'll see how far the bar can be raised as well as fulfilling kabak's request...
