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Again, thanks for the visit, I know that lots of people appreciate this. The way you presented yourself as an active member, is for me in all honesty the prime example as how PSG has to continue to present itself
dv8_fx said:WENDY.....
I found an old family album.
How's Josh.............
wbiss said:[shhh][size=7pt]
so when you boast that you have 10 years of ps experience ... well lad, given the fact that approximately 1/2 of those years were learned at the expense of some of the talented and revered members on this site... if I were you, I'd be just a little more humble.
... and such fine chocolate chip cookies they were?wbiss said:Good golly namvet... 'tis always a fine day when I can send a g'day your way.? After all, I once baked chocolate chip cookies for you!
.. no Wendy (wbiss) .. I really didn't realise that (thanks for sharing that...? .. ) .... but that's what I believe PSG and Photoshop and ImageReady should be about ..... some fun mixed in with the very serious 'learning' stuff .... life, with it's pressures and demands would be soooo boring without some fun?wbiss said:Not to mention the fact that you and Mr. Blinkie... well? I hold those days dearly and fondly to my heart.? I don't know if you realise this, but the two of you introduced me to IR. What fun to learn in the challenging way that you put forth back then. I have always admired your gumption for that and I know that you're continuing with same!? :}
wbiss said:But, be warned, my talents with IR have improved...? [sly]
Joy Foraker said:Hi Alistair, sorry you thought I was picking on you. You were so young and fodderable.