Firstly, a
big thanks to Sue (
sfm) for sending me an invitation to this
PSG family reunion.? 8)) Seeing the likes of her, Alistair, namvet, dv8_fx, nitrobutler, sPECtre, gidgit (now extrude), Raven, Shaun, Rick and Gaussian, sent shivers down my spine and brought a tear to my eye.? ?;\
Secondly, hearty
congratulations to
Gaussian for taking over the reins of this respected site from Mark, thereby maintaining and upholding its reputation as a first rate & respected PS venue...where learning, sharing & laughter go hand in hand.
:} :} :}
I find it ironic that you should be the one to pick up the PSG gauntlet, G-Man, but I'm glad that it's so...? for, other than the founder himself, nobody has been as passionate and devoted as you have been.?
And finally, I can see that the snotty-nosed "used to be noob" named
Alistair just may have matured into a functioning member of society.?? \:/? 8[ Alistair, don't get cocky with me 'cause you will notice that I use the words "just may have" only on the supposition that, having finished high-school, you learned one or two of life's lessons along the way.?
Naturally, you will need to (better) prove this to me...?
In the meantime, I send y'all a big cyber
hug and
kiss 'cause I have missed you so!? [honesty]? [shhh] And I will try not to be a stranger. I promise that I will try my best... despite a tremendous full-time work load and a very full personal life. [excited]
[excited] [excited] [excited] Wendy
p.s. Alistair - I'm impressed, too, to see that not only have your ps skills improved, but so has your use of the english language.