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sfm said:
wow that was a lot to read ha ha ha
good to see some images :righton:
and even nicer to see old and new faces [excited]
In browsing the board I see there have been a few changes - this board has evolved he he he
well children do leave home and return every now and then (why with their hand out is a puzzle tho lol)
heck we are down to 1 out of 6 [shhh] ha ha ha
yes it has been awhile since I chatted with Wendy in fact I was still in Australia lol :surprised:

I miss Wendy; specifically her picking on me! We should get her back on this thing. Make it a mission :D
Funny I don't remember her picking on you Alistair \:/ I worry about my memory he he he
well here is to positive thoughts and wishfull thinking
beaming............. beaming.............. beaming.................... hmmmmmmmmm line says she is other wise engaged [stuned]
wow that is spooky to get an answer! :surprised: he he he
That is a little spooky. I thought she was totally married. [stuned] You don't remember her picking on me? Maybe it was you! ;)
Alistair said:
...... You don't remember her picking on me?? Maybe it was you!? ;)

... \:/ ... or maybe it was Bubble or Nikkie .... :bustagut: :bustagut:
Firstly, a big thanks to Sue (sfm) for sending me an invitation to this PSG family reunion.? 8)) Seeing the likes of her, Alistair, namvet, dv8_fx, nitrobutler, sPECtre, gidgit (now extrude), Raven, Shaun, Rick and Gaussian, sent shivers down my spine and brought a tear to my eye.? ?;\

Secondly, hearty congratulations to Gaussian for taking over the reins of this respected site from Mark, thereby maintaining and upholding its reputation as a first rate & respected PS venue...where learning, sharing & laughter go hand in hand.

:} :} :}

I find it ironic that you should be the one to pick up the PSG gauntlet, G-Man, but I'm glad that it's so...? for, other than the founder himself, nobody has been as passionate and devoted as you have been.? :righton:

And finally, I can see that the snotty-nosed "used to be noob" named Alistair just may have matured into a functioning member of society.?? \:/? 8[ Alistair, don't get cocky with me 'cause you will notice that I use the words "just may have" only on the supposition that, having finished high-school, you learned one or two of life's lessons along the way.? :P Naturally, you will need to (better) prove this to me...? ;)

In the meantime, I send y'all a big cyber hug and kiss 'cause I have missed you so!? [honesty]? [shhh] And I will try not to be a stranger. I promise that I will try my best... despite a tremendous full-time work load and a very full personal life. [excited]

[excited] [excited] [excited] Wendy

p.s. Alistair - I'm impressed, too, to see that not only have your ps skills improved, but so has your use of the english language.
Holy PSG Marm... Howdy Wendy :righton:...

Yea, that's the ticket, admonish the young fellar... see Allistair, she still wuvs you :D

Hey way to go Sue...

and howdy again all... welcome back

wahoooo, pretty durn good day today is :D
Wendy (wbiss) ... g'day, am sooo pleased you dropped by ... and yup, as extrude said 'tis a fine day :D
Thanks for dropping by Wendy, because people kept asking how you were doing.? :D

I did inform them that you were doing better than ever, which I think is even an understatement? ;\ , but that at the same time you were very busy, without going in too much details.

Also thanks for the encouragement and kind words, especially from such a respected member like you.

wbiss said:
I find it ironic that you should be the one to pick up the PSG gauntlet, G-Man, but I'm glad that it's so...? for, other than the founder himself, nobody has been as passionate and devoted as you have been.?

I know someone from Toronto who fits that profile...? ?[innocent]

wbiss said:
p.s. Alistair - I'm impressed, too, to see that not only have your ps skills improved, but so has your use of the english language.

:bustagut: yes, now that you point it out, his English was poor and has improved immensely. Thumbs up Alistair, you obviously weren't picking your noise at school.? :righton:

wbiss said:
Alistair, don't get cocky with me 'cause you will notice that I use the words "just may have"

:D? :D

Again, thanks for the visit, I know that lots of people appreciate this. The way you presented yourself as an active member, is for me in all honesty the prime example as how PSG has to continue to present itself.

Thanks Wendy and like always I'll stay in touch with you!? ?:righton:
shucks ;\ glad to see that you dropped by Wendy :D
this is great, a nice way to begin my day seeing my cyber family :D
yup extrude tis indeed a good day B7 the sun is even shining
[confused] figure that one out [innocent]
so what your saying is you sleep in school :\ right? he he he :bustagut:
sfm said:
[confused] figure that one out [innocent]
so what your saying is you sleep in school :\ right? he he he :bustagut:

I also forgot the fact that I do graphic design for clients, and I go to church events [stuned]
What I am saying is I'm insane; literally 8}
:bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: welcome to life and Adult hood lol
oh by the way, seems the older you get the busier you get :surprised:

I too do graphic art for clients, each time that I open ps which is every day it is for a client
so the bank manager is happy to :D
Welcome back, Wendy! - It all went very quiet here when you went!
dv8_fx said:
Sniff... Al's really grown up....... WELCOME TO ADULTHOOD, AL........

I have fond memories when you were toddler........ :bustagut:......

ohhhhh vee, you really better hide.........

That picture must've been from four years back [confused] :bustagut:
dv8_fx said:
I'm a pack rat , Al.... I never throw anything I create on a computer. Might come in handy down the way. I've got stuff since my days with PS2....

And some stuff since the early days of dos.............

.. yep, me too .... I collect and save stuff (must be in my nature ... cats from the cats home .. and poor little 'dumped' ferral cats that need a good feed ... ) ....... squirrells are mere amateurs compared to the stuff that I hoard .... :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:
