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G'day Sue (sfm) .... nope, yer not late ... haven't opened the Champers yet :D ... welcome back!! ... so the 'girl from the Brook' is in England eh? ... southern counties I hope, warmer with beaches :)
dv8_fx said:
Warms my heart to see old friends........ Does anyone among you have the old PS group pix ?

... there might be a photoshopped one in the old foddering thread ...
thanks Vee, my daughter gave her a reason to get back to life [excited] she is doing well even have her out walking and shopping :bustagut:
glad I didn't miss the champers Namvet 8} it is funny that I moved from one beach to another lol this one is much colder and I am still adjusting lol never heard a fog horn before now it just doesn't stop! lol seem to have traded the pelicans for pesky seagulls! :surprised:
sfm said:
glad I didn't miss the champers Namvet? ?8} it is funny that I moved from one beach to another lol this one is much colder and I am still adjusting lol never heard a fog horn before now it just doesn't stop! lol seem to have traded the pelicans for pesky seagulls!? :surprised:

you're just north of the 'wolds' ... never got there, probably 'cos it was too cold :bustagut: .... yup, the fog can get sooo bad, it's amasing to see ...
I think this went from being a greating from me to a Reunion! 8} :D

It's great to see a good bunch of the old-timers still around. 8))
you know how Disney has the fog with the castle sticking out at the top? well crawling through the kitchen window to the balcony or belows roof top I can look down on the fog and see it moving in through the streets - so do I live in Disney land? lol I sometimes wonder in this strange country lol - but it is fun ?:D

that it is Alistair, would be nice to see a few more familiar faces [excited] guess we all get busy :\
sfm said:
you know how Disney has the fog with the castle sticking out at the top? well crawling through the kitchen window to the balcony or belows roof top I can look down on the fog and see it moving in through the streets - so do I live in Disney land? lol I sometimes wonder in this strange country lol - but it is fun :D

that it is Alistair, would be nice to see a few more familiar faces [excited] guess we all get busy :\

Is Wendy around?
Mr G returns!!!! ...... :} :} :} :} :} :} ... Alistair will be sooo pleased :D ... as am I :)
Sue wrote:
never heard a fog horn before now it just doesn't stop! lol seem to have traded the pelicans for pesky seagulls!

..... Look at the bright side...... new noisy subjects. Post some gulls, sue. About your rufaroo..... maybe you can find a cockney variation, Yes?

Ahhh London...... I love the sights - A fog covered Big Ben, fog soup along the Thames, Trafalgar square on a foggy night (almost got run over), .... fog, fog, and then some more fog........ :bustagut:

But seriously.... I loved the lush green countryside, Sunday market on Petticoat Lane (or especially were they sell antiques (ooohhhh garam, I) and English Teatime.
sfm said:
you know how Disney has the fog with the castle sticking out at the top? well crawling through the kitchen window to the balcony or belows roof top I can look down on the fog and see it moving in through the streets - so do I live in Disney land? lol I sometimes wonder in this strange country lol - but it is fun ?

Welcome back Sue! :D You know I wondered for quite a while how you were doing!
wow it is like the old gang :} Hi Gaus, Spectre - will be doing a role call soon lol
photos of seagulls hey, haven't taken any as I have spent most of my time fighting with them lol
I am sure everyone has been enjoying my experience of chasing away the seagulls from my pot plants
even tried a few home inventions - all to no avail lol - so I moved them >:O then won the fight \:/
next while cleaning it was hot here yes hot :} so windows open and I am scrubbing when out the corner of my I see something :cry:
a pigeon was walking through the flat! [saywhat] I had to herd it out again lol
I was thinking it was safer on this board than it was here in the UK but then Mr Blinkey poped up and now no one is safe ha ha ha :bustagut:
:bustagut: first gulls, now pidgeons....... Blinkey? Not quite. Everyone's avatar is quite safe..... from me at least..... Blinky deactivated my right save their avatar abilities. :cry: .......

Hi sPECtre............
Yeah, we've all come back! Now let's just stay here and not abandon the site; it needs up :)

It's good to see old 'faces' on here :D

- Al
Alistair said:
Yeah, we've all come back!? Now let's just stay here and not abandon the site; it needs up.

Trust me, this is just the beginning, wait until I'm done with all the improvements (a long list) I have planned. :P
Wow, is this a reunion or what????

Cool, I am in....

Yours truly,

Gidgit... aka xtrude... aka extrude (what happens when your email addy changes)

Hi guys and gals :)
extrude said:
Wow, is this a reunion or what????

Cool, I am in....

Yours truly,

Gidgit... aka xtrude... aka extrude (what happens when your email addy changes)

Hi guys and gals :)

What happened to Gidgit? How you doing?

- Al
Hey guys... thanks for the nice warm welcome back...

Al, gidgit is still used at TG, but the name just became so yesterday eh :D

See you guys on the boards eh :)
