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dv8_fx said:Warms my heart to see old friends........ Does anyone among you have the old PS group pix ?
sfm said:glad I didn't miss the champers Namvet? ?8} it is funny that I moved from one beach to another lol this one is much colder and I am still adjusting lol never heard a fog horn before now it just doesn't stop! lol seem to have traded the pelicans for pesky seagulls!? :surprised:
sfm said:you know how Disney has the fog with the castle sticking out at the top? well crawling through the kitchen window to the balcony or belows roof top I can look down on the fog and see it moving in through the streets - so do I live in Disney land? lol I sometimes wonder in this strange country lol - but it is fun
that it is Alistair, would be nice to see a few more familiar faces [excited] guess we all get busy :\
never heard a fog horn before now it just doesn't stop! lol seem to have traded the pelicans for pesky seagulls!
sfm said:you know how Disney has the fog with the castle sticking out at the top? well crawling through the kitchen window to the balcony or belows roof top I can look down on the fog and see it moving in through the streets - so do I live in Disney land? lol I sometimes wonder in this strange country lol - but it is fun ?
dv8_fx said:Just for a laugh........ one of my fave family photos....
Alistair said:Yeah, we've all come back!? Now let's just stay here and not abandon the site; it needs up.
extrude said:Wow, is this a reunion or what????
Cool, I am in....
Yours truly,
Gidgit... aka xtrude... aka extrude (what happens when your email addy changes)
Hi guys and gals
extrude said:Wow, is this a reunion or what????