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3D C4D work

Yup, I know about that bridge tool. But often I prefer the CreatePolygon tool, or use edge xtrude.
True: there are many ways to obtain that same result. Same goes for Photoshop...
Some good stuff happening in this thread :righton:

RA, I love the roadster thus far, looking very nice indeed. Would you please show us a wire shot, or shaded wire ?

Gfx@rt, go for it, finish this great start of yours

Thanx for the link Kiwi

nice glass Erik
IBox said:
Some good stuff happening in this thread :righton:

RA, I love the roadster thus far, looking very nice indeed. Would you please show us a wire shot, or shaded wire ?

Gfx@rt, go for it, finish this great start of yours

Thanx for the link Kiwi

nice glass Erik

Ibox actually Gfx@rt posted that link earlier then I did,I just saw the post concerned then :)

Guys just mess around and try different things it will show you what you become used to and a workflow you like.Some people use nothing but the bridge tool,but sometimes the points are hard to get to so you need the create poly tool,and set value is indespensable as well :)

Gfx@rt is that Mikes Audi tute from over at the portal?...just curious :)

I finally posted my bio mech pic for the comp over at Renderosity so now I can relax again a bit :righton:
SetValue is very nice, but I'm fascinated by the structure manager. It not only allows for exact values to be given to any coordinate opf each point, it also allows to create new points where it normally might be difficult to use AddPoints.
Just like Create poly has to be used for the initial polys when one has only points.

I also love Arndt's EdgeExtrudePro plugin. It is still handier than the extrude options in C4D8.2, and also works in points mode. Once again, one can enter all coordinates XYZ one wants.

I'll paste a screenshot shortly, and some examples of the differences between it and Extrude8.2
Glad you like it IBox. Here's a half mesh view without the wheels. Included some of the shiny bits and a shot of the chassis.

Still a bit of cross bracing to go in and I better make room for the rear axle while I'm at it.

Also started on the brake / hub / suspension assembly. No detail on it yet, just roughing it in.

Anyone got to grips with the Expressions for animating bits and bobs?

WAAA-DINKY-HOOOOCH! I can say without fear of contradiction. :B

Sorry Erik, getting carried away again. ;\

Any recommended reading on the subject?
kiwi said:
Gfx@rt is that Mikes Audi tute from over at the portal?...just curious
Yes, that's true and it's a good tutorial too. I had some problems when I tried to model the mirror and the tires, but all in all I'm very satisfied with his work!
Erik, this thread is called 'C4D work', but I hope that you don't mind if I share something that I discovered today.

Polygon loops... I wanted to find a different way. I know that Mesh Surgery has a tool for that, but it seems that it's possible in C4D too. Maybe my way isn't anything new to you all, but I wanted to share it, since I haven't seen it anywhere else.
Important is the option 'tolerant'.
In this is what I was playing with. I saw an object somewhere that I wanted to create in C4D. That's my way of practicing at the moment.

This method also works with irregular loops (screenshot)
Thanks. I have never used this function, and I will certainly do so in the future!
Now that is a fascinating way to share little gems! :righton: :righton: :righton:
Sounds like music in my ears... :)

(You know I know, don't you?)

This is a plugin I haven't got, and as you saw, I often use this poly creating method to close chosen primitives, as I do not like the caps. Lots of nuisance, and badbad polys.

Right now, I'm off to that site. Cinema is already open, so... :righton:

Right. I tried both, and both work well!

I'll take up the manual once again tomorrow, and read all about EdgeRing and EdgeLoop

Ah-Ha! What is this I see before me?
I see a wet weather tyre tread maker!

Good tip GfX@rt. :righton:

The Weld Tools plug-in is handy for averaging out the points if you want to weld the points after deleting a line of polys.

I read through a bit about creating expressions in the manual and also one of the links at the portal. [confused] :(
It's *fairly* understandable as you read through the gobble-de-gook with an explanation, but......

| think I'll just let the boffins deal with that subject and spend time learning about the shaders instead.

Erik said:
I'll take up the manual once again tomorrow, and read all about EdgeRing and EdgeLoop
Good idea Erik. These are quite powerful, especially when you combine them with "Convert Selection".
May I suggest to give all 3 of them a shortcut; you don't want to switch to the menu all the time or do you? ;)
That is a good tip :righton:

Stitch and sew is another good plugin I really like,just 5 US.You can join 2 objects using optimize most of the time but stitch and sew is also cool to use.I also have weld tool and weld lower or higher is invaulable.

If you ever have points out of line you dont need the coord manager just control click and select set value,set value will place your line of points onto any coord you want X Y or Z,if you just want to center the row just slect center and set the others to leave,saves heaps of time.

Another one I have picked up over time is make middle row of points tag and keep it uptodate as if your model gets really busy and you joint both sidea from a sym object etc you can operate the row and seperate the object again.Sometimes its a god idea to join both halves scale some shape {usually in organic models} then whack in half again.

Yas, but the structure manager allows us to see which point has which coords. Then you can change them as you want to. Many ways lead to the goal, but no path is completely traced out beforehand.

As for shortcuts: I want to, but I must say that, even though I have a 17inchtft at 1280x1024, it is already very crowded. I would love to have a second monitor, but I know that it'll be there the moment I really need it. But not a second earlier...

Must be great not having to dock all those important managers, and to have shortcuts for the most important plugins. (nearly all, as I don't install others.

Stitch and sew heh? Don't have that one... Hope it isn't Paypal...
Thanks Erik and great tips Stu!

Ok, here's another thing I wanted to share.

Read the artcle: "Extruding and deforming words written by TCASTUDIOS"; http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48474&perpage=15&pagenumber=4

I was trying to wrap text around a globe a few days ago using the normal method. That didn't work; the result is a mess (left image).

Then I tried the approach as documented by tcastudios (right image).

A huge improvement! Also look at the different views in polygon mode. That "A intersect B" boolean operation could be useful for a lot of other things.

Btw, I used Maxon's boolean and that worked fine too.

Makethicker: http://home7.highway.ne.jp/winter-m/plugin.html
Betterboole: http://www.maxon.net/pages/dyn_files/dyn_htx/htx/408/00408_00409.html

Both plugins are free and should be in everybody's toolbox.
Another experiment, this time with a little model, created with splines that were exported from Illustrator.

Image 1: 5 kb, 191 points and 193 polygons, untriangulate = -65 polygons
Image 2: 55 kb, 1102 points and 904 polygons, untriangulate = -393 polygons
Image 3: 12 kb, 239 points and 188 polygons, untriangulated = only -8 polygons

It also show the efficiency of Better Boole (img 3) compared to Maxon's standard boolean (img 2).
Yes, better boole is better. But these bizarre polys are only a problem when one wants to use hypernurbs afterwards, or bevel or so.
That is one of the reasons I try to make the mesh as clean as possible.

As for that text, I don't know your normal method, but I get a different result.:

1/Primitives>sphere, render perfect and 48 at least , make editable
2/Spline Primitives>Text
3/Scale the text so that it is smaller than the sphere
4/Make text spline editable
5/Structure>Edit Splines>Project. The setting depends on how you work. If you're working in Cinema default,the text is in the XY plane (z-axis facing you). Then I choose XYradial.
6/Spline primitive, in this case rectangle, make smaller, and sweep nurbs.
7/ SweepNurbs made editable, then select sweep and sphere and connect.

This gives good quads. Although Cinema makes all non-planar quads tris when rendering...
