More modelling etc. This one started with the desire to create some kind of crystal shape. As all poly primitives wdidn't offer a good start, I wanted to begin with some points. Problem was how to place them. There was indeed this spline-primitive "star", but that was only good for extruding...
I knew that copying points has to be done in the structure manager as normal copy and paste copies and pastes the whole spline object instead of the points. Yet, when the spline is made editable, the points selected and set to uniform, they could be copied and serve as starting point(s) for creating polys.
This can also be done in vs. 6.
The rest was exciting, and fun.
Enjoy. I now also add the wire:
I knew that copying points has to be done in the structure manager as normal copy and paste copies and pastes the whole spline object instead of the points. Yet, when the spline is made editable, the points selected and set to uniform, they could be copied and serve as starting point(s) for creating polys.
This can also be done in vs. 6.
The rest was exciting, and fun.
Enjoy. I now also add the wire: