hey hey, been offline for two days (durn thing just quit like... but... telus got it working again... phew... I was going antsy to say the least...

Now then... Wendy... the pleasure is all mine ...really... it is so cool to belong to such a group of inspired 3D fanatics... I mean really cool... this group is outstanding... so enthused... as am I
Lee... it has only yet begun, but hey, ya know what... the whole thing is all but going over and over using the tools until they become as automatic that you simply choose them and use em rather than having to think about em first... likened to getting used to a new home or something... things take about twenty or thirty days of continual emersion to become second nature in this manner... analogy... allowing one to stumble down the hall of their new home, the middle of the night , in the dark, and know just where the bathroom door and lightswitch are.

.. basically this applies to most things in life, 3d no exception...

So don't fret Lee, one day things will just sort of hit you on the head, and voila... you be a 3D monkey

, still in learning of course, as we will all be... it never ends really... new tech comes down the tube and everybody goes through the latest curve... the thing is, once the very basics are understood... these additional curves are not nearly as huge as would be with no prior knowledge of but a few of these basics... it's all relative, and you are already on your way Lee...

Keep pushing those poly's around...
Namvet... I think most anything can be done in Anim8or no doubt, and... I applaud your dedication to your chosen app, but... I tend to agree with Al, in that you would be far better off to get into Wings3D...
just move>normal tool is enough reason to switch, but even more, are the edge/loop tools, which, once used, you will never look back on how you select things... damn, in fact I will do up an illustration pronto like to demonstrate what I mean ok? by days end if'n nobody beats me to it
11th... hey, great stuff, ummmm, say something with a rolliing hill that the buggy can be shot flying over... and blending in surrounding scenery looking like a mud road track of sorts... would be very cool... then I will post some different render shots for all to impose as they will into your scene... maybe others will make some buggy's and render them to black bg's... and we can 2D impose them into the scene by 11'th here

make a bunch of buggy race posters or what have us...
Hi Gauss... thanx man, preciate the kind words here bud...
Allister... haha, you are so funny

and that's a good thing

I think everyone here is just doing fine... some worx ( cool candle btw

) , some tips, some comments, some humor, great support group for all the above and more... man, this is very cool stuff going on here... and all right here on your thread Al...