take a look at the pic here and tell me what it illustrates...
This simply illustrates that when boxing out a pipe like shape, that when simply extruding the lengths from the cube, or doing a direct bridge between cubes, upon smoothing the connecting corners flair the mesh in these areas... but if you put a segment between the cube and the length, either through extruding or cuttin and connecting the edges and then moving closer along the axis... then things smooth tighter to the corners with out such pronounced flair...
- pop one cube out
- select whole cube and scale>uniform to make it smaller so as you can view more objects as they are made...
- select object, duplicate along y and move mouse right...
- select both, hit object icon, duplicate along x or z
- select the two faces of each cube where they will join all at once, and extrude a small segment...
- now deselect all, select one face on one cube newly extruded portion, and the corresponding face on another cube and bridge... do the same untill things look like this "toilet bowl" hahaha
then smooth once, twice and see it round out...