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  1. B

    How to copy this photo's effect?

    Thank you. All is very clear to me now :-)
  2. B

    How to copy this photo's effect?

    Hi IamSam thanks a lot for your reply. I tried to do as you advised but maybe I did not made the right process. When I created a new adjustment layer it asks to me color (with a preset n. of color, my Photoshop is CC) and method. Then there's an opacity value. Should I make some other steps?
  3. B

    How to copy this photo's effect?

    How could I do to copy a dark filter like this to use on another photo? Thanks
  4. B

    Duplication of groups of layer

    Thanks Iam Sam for your reply, I have done following your instructions obtaining what I have needed. Photoshop is often difficult for a newbie, sometimes simple task require specific steps not very intuitive. Bye
  5. B

    Duplication of groups of layer

    I have found some psd resources to improve my web designs. I open them and I try to take a group of layers, duplicating them on my working file. The group has been copied but in all attempts I can't see the imported elements in my file. In what have I been wrong? Thanks to all
  6. B

    Two images: one is clearer than the other one

    Thanks IamSam, following you I've tried to find that command on my Photoshop 11in my language. Not finding it I've selected Level-->New level of regulation (this is a literally translation)-->Luminosity/Contrast and I have worked on both images with these commands. This is the result. Not...
  7. B

    Two images: one is clearer than the other one

    These two images are positioned close in the same web page, but one is darker than the other and the total effect is a bad result. On which parameters should I work? Thanks to all.
  8. B

    ideas for a logo and a photo

    Thanks Mr.Tom! :)
  9. B

    ideas for a logo and a photo

    Logo is a png file. Under File > there's a 'Place' but it isn't active. 'Place' is instead active on some jpg files. 'Place embedded' command is not present in my 11.0.2 version. I have tried to active it somewhere in preferences, but I haven't found any good voice. Thanks and ciao
  10. B

    ideas for a logo and a photo

    I would like to add a face close to the logo. I imagine a photoborder. Any suggest? I'm a newbie. Here there's the material http://goo.gl/ZsVHLv Thanks and ciao :-)
  11. B

    Logo on a background image

    I have found a solution. Taking time I have deleted pixel by pixel those in background i don't need anymore and then i've saved it as a png file. The result is quite nice. Thank you for your assistance! Bye roberto
  12. B

    Logo on a background image

    I have not the source file with text layer and font.
  13. B

    Logo on a background image

    Hi, how could i use Pen tool in this case?
  14. B

    Logo on a background image

    Hi Chitkaran, i have just saved as png as you have said and the result is quite good. I have obtained the trasparency. But it seems that text in the logo is not more clear as before. I mean that I have started from the logo image (the 1st image attached here), I have used magic wand tool...
  15. B

    Logo on a background image

    Hi, I have a logo image, it has been placed on a website on a background image. This image has a shade from white to a light blue blue. When you see this website on a windows7 pc you see that logo image has not hte same shade than background image. This doesn't happen on my mac. I have tried to...
  16. B

    a simply external shadow

    Very good description and ideas. Thanks a lot Tom Mann
  17. B

    a simply external shadow

    Hi Tom Mann, this is what I have looked for. Very good. Wait for details about steps to do with the software. Thank you and bye
  18. B

    a simply external shadow

    I think it's a very simple task for an expert. I don't understand if I need to make a new layer below with a bigger background or I need to convert the only layer that I have in this image..
  19. B

    a simply external shadow

    Hi dv8_fx, many thanks for your reply. Here it is the image
  20. B

    a simply external shadow

    Hi, I have a jpeg to which I would like to add a simple external shadow. I have trasform the background to a level and I have tried to use level styles options with preview. Nothing has come. Some tutorials says that I'm doing right steps. What do I miss? Thanks and ciao Bob