Hi There
I haven't been around much through the winter and recently I had to do a clean install and lost alot of my old stuff...but it certainly wasn't the earthshaking disaster for me that it may have been for you. But as a result I learned how to spell
Zip Drive. Now I feel more confident that if I have a major crash I will have been backing up my data on a regular basis.
Now more to the point...Some folks here at
PSG are professional artists/photographers etc. and are either presently involved in making a living with their respective artforms and others are youngsters in school who are truly budding artists who will someday be making a living doing what gets done here at the forums.
For me it just became a hobby (computers) and I was never even online until about 2 years ago and it took me 6-8 months to figure how to shake and move on the web.Hell, I did'nt even know how to send an email! [confused]
Then one day while exploring the web I ended up in a forum and it was in that forum (which was newbie friendly) that I learned the basics of how a forum works and how to navigate in one.
It was in that particular forum that I heard about an application called Photoshop and people would post small triumphs and say "Hey Man, Look at what I made!" and I began to think about what was going on and what an incredible phenomenon this "Web Thing" is and it all began to fall into place for me when suddenly I realized
That there is nothing on God's Green Earth that you can't learn about on the web once you learn how to use search engines :B
Well one day, I clicked on a link and found myself in the middle of
www.deviantart.com and I spent about three weeks wandering around in there and it hit me like a ton of bricks what this 'Photoshop application" meant.
Then one day I saw Photoshop Elements 2.0 and it was available for $99US so I said "I got to get me one of these!"
About a week later I clicked on a link somewhere in Cyberspace and it brought me right here
right into your playroom and I lurked here for a couple of weeks and had all these questions about my new PS 2.0
It was so confusing because not only was I not conversant with ps I was also not an artist an never have been | but I always admired the work of others!
So I found my way into the new users thread and said "Howdy"
and I was welcomed by
Wendyand also by
Suela Reefarooand this is when my photoshop adventure really began \:]