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Would you pay a small price to learn?

Would you pay a small price to learn?

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I think a subscription is the best idea andvalid means of operating Mark.

I currently pay around $40- 60au a month in magazines that cover PS/illustrator/dreamweaver/flash etc etc etc. $5us ($10au) is very reasonable for 2 PS tutes a month.

Being a subscription, it would also be a good idea to have a subscribers only forum (in addition to current set up).

Given time ands in future you could also offer the paying customer the following....

note: these are just suggestions. At some time you may want to employ a couple of staff members for content/admin reasons etc.

Member support (forums are a start which you have now)

Subscriber feedback

Industry News/reviews/events (whats happening around the traps)

Profiles of various professionals that set benchmarks in the industry

Interviews with said artists/pro's

Database of recomended study programs (worldwide :D)

PSG events/comps/meets

With a solid platform and USP (unique selling point..ie more then just tutorials) you could really clock up subscribers from around the globe. There is no reason why you couldnt get around 5-10k +++ paying subscribers. (how many students around the globe use PS??? Hundreds of thousands...millions even)

Again $5us per month is a good starting point especially for students who cant pay out $200 us + membership fees in one hit like some sites require.

Anyway just thoughts.
hmmm... still MORE interesting fft. Thanks stick. :righton:

Those are some lofty goals indeed. Hopefully, if things DO take off in a big way, i can implement some of those ideas.

TBO, my initial goal is not to turn this site into the same kind of "one stop shop" kind of deal that's seen all around the Web these days. That goes beyond my current projections. But i'm certainly not opposed to considering that road, should things lead that way. [honesty]
Hey Mark,
just came across this thread. Should you go that route, count me in as a subscriber or whichever way you'll set this up. I was considering a subscription to some Photoshop mags before. I much rather pay money for what you are doing. What you have been doing I should say considering how much you taught me and all of us. In this house, the collection of tutes by you are a permanent reference. By the way, because of your "Creating the NUI" the Lighting Effects filter kept me busy for months. Your beveled edges...the sharpest, cleanest edges. Ever.

PayPal was mentioned by some people, that's good. I'll have to read more closely since you guys have been talking for a while now. I like the idea of a pay site. A sort of online classroom sort of at least(?) I generally would never even suggest such a thing. I hate classroom type learning. Can't learn a thing. But the way I perceive you approach the whole learning thing is without all that stuffiness. Depth and intensity? Oh yeah. There's no flimsy how-to's by the Photoshop Guru. That's what sets you apart from the run of the mill PS learning that's sprouting all over the place. I see much success for your idea.

Burning content on a bunch of CDs, why not? I think some form of periodic publication is a good thing. Besides the PS projects it'd be a place for you to promote who you are and what you do. Have you considered seeking sponsors? It doesn't necessarily have to be popup advertisers. I have seen companies that allowed some bandwidth used for such purposes.

Later. Stefan.
Hey thanks very much for the kind words, ideas, and encouragement Stefan. I appreciate it.

Well as of this moment, i'm at a cross roads. Due to my stuborn nature and desire to be as thorough as i can be, and i can BE thorough, trust me! hehe... i'm looking at 60 pages of original, quality material -- that's only dealing with ONE subject -- "Pipes & Bars". And i'm now torn between pricing this material on a per chapter or per subchapter basis ( instead of per tutorial ), or just waving this current venture in trade for just writing an entire book on the subject instead. hm...

I'm going to meditate on this i think... aaah what to do what to do... [oops]

How about both, the payfor web site and a book. Both would hit different audiences and you could include the tutes on a CD. I've looked at a couple of dozen books about creating effects in PS and think that your depth of knowledge is seldom shared. Part of the reason is that people try to dumb things down. I'm a fan of stretching horizons.

Each time I try out one of your tutes I learn new tricks and points of view which then becomes part of my repertoire even though I may not precisely use them in the manner in which you create.
Actually ya ok, i guess that kinda makes sense to do both huh? DOH! The material will already be done so i don't see any reason it can't be supplied both in pieces and in bulk.

Thanks Welles. :righton:

I'm wondering how you can charge per chapter. Would you tier the subject and do a Beginner, Advanced, More Advanced... small versus big pipes, oh, pipes with texture that'd be good.. I'd think charging by tutorial seems simpler an approach. I think that's so from my perspective, I'd know I did the Pipes tutorial, finished, I wouldn't have to remember which chapter etc. But I only had a few minute to think about that... stefan.

As far as a book, of course!! stefan.
Well actually Stefan... each "chapter" would contain the complete collection of information pertaining to a specific subject; such as "Pipes & Bars".

I explain how to create a wide variety of pipes & bars, how to shape/mould them, even how to texture them and give them character with scratches, dings, dents, holes, etc... all of that material would equal one chapter.

But that one chapter is 60 pages long. And it would be logical to break that into 3 subsections: creation / shaping / texturing.

And each subject would be done in that same manner. At least... that's the initial plan anywho. [honesty]
I think, if I've to pay, I like to learn how to make userfriendly layout (prints/catalogue/web/flayer) typography (when and how use different styles, a thing near a graphics composition with text).
I think a Holding (like McDonald or Nike) don't be happy if I present the new "hypothetical" web site interface with rust and chrome, pipe and gear (if you present them to Blizard i think they are very happy ;) ). I think that special FX is good (also for professional design, but with less presence on the layout (web site or prints), and when I learn form Your tutorial (e.g.: real 3d type ecc...) I'm very happy, because I improve my techniques, my style, my skill in using photoshop. The things I wuold like to study is how balance an image/composition, how to make it looking professional, and eye-catching, improve my workflow ecc...

Thats my 2 cent in the discussion, so Mark go ahead :righton: do it, I think You have enough experience to do it and to do it WELL :} .

Go Man :righton: :righton: :righton: :}

os: sorry for my bad bad bad english :(
Hey thanks for adding to the topic App i appreciate it. And thanks for the encouragement.

It should be understood that this initial subject matter will NOT be the ONLY thing i'll be covering. It's just going to be the first thing i do. Specifically because i already started writing these tutes when i realized just how much time/work was going into them.

I DO have plans to write about other subjects as well; like PS and Web Design.

The point you made AW about "what makes an image look professional"... well that's pretty much something that just "happens". When a person has enough experience and skills, the "professional" level of their work will increase naturally. Or at least 95% of the time it should. It's not really something you can teach people. It has no essence, it's an intangible quality.
Well I'm way late coming in on this. For that I apoligize. But here's my take on this. $10 Canadian! That's a cup of coffee in US! Count me in. But to be completely honest, if I didn't already know Mark's talent for writing exceptional tutes I might just keep on surfing on to some other site offering free tutes. I would recommend keeping some level of freebies out there so folks can get the feel for Mark's teaching style and from there make a decision. The monthly subscription thing as mentioned above might turn me off though. Just me and my aversion to monthly obligations (way too little month and way too many obligations).

No problem Mark, slap them up, the price is right and I know it will be worth it! The 3D interface design I would be less interested in as I use 3D Max for that sort of stuff, but that?s just me, and hell, for $10 Canadien I?ll prolly get it just to get a look at your settings.

Take a look here:


Even though much of his stuff is generic I still paid the fee and got all the tuts, and never regretted it for one minute, I got some nice ideas for other stuff I?m doing.

As long as it?s quality stuff, I have no problems paying a litle to get some education :)

;) Ah yes, that's the site I've been looking for chrish! Thanks for posting the link again! :D

I agree with your comments, 100%! :righton:
Rich, Chrish... better late than never. ;)

Thanks for the comments. I agree completely also.

Monthly subscriptions... that's still open for decision. But there would be more than one way of taking part in this venture. Hopefully everyone's prefs can be satisfied.

I'm still working on the tutes.
I want to get a certain amount done before starting this ball rolling. I'm just about ready now.

I also use 3D apps to do interface work, but there's a lot of folks that don't, and won't have access to those programs. For them, and because this subject has been in such demand for a lot of years now, and the "grunge" stuff in particular... this is why i chose to start with this subject matter.

PLUS... as you said Chrish... there's a lot more to learn from these tutes than just the obvious benefits. Beginner to intermediate users (and perhaps even some experienced users too) will benefit a lot from this info because it covers so many other techniques that people are looking to learn, to create other types of images and effects.

Anywho... i'll be ready to go real soon now. :righton: :B
Mark, imo... a CD of your detailed Tuts would be an Option you should go for or even "With this CD you get X amount of time subscription to the Tut section"
Mark my friend - you go for it - you have spent so much of your time giving for free - it is about time that you received a little compensation for what you do.

The other Mark has had a CD out for quit some time and he doesn't have nearly the skills that you have.

So stop thinking about it and do it

I will be your first customer

Go get em Bud
Hey thanks a lot Bob & Rick, i really appreciate the kind words & encouragement.

Things are still plodding along. I just have one more tute to wrap up before i kick this thing into high gear. Plus deciding how payments can be made.

Would anyone use a "direct payment" option? That would mean... i'd provide you an bank deposit & transit number, and you'd simply give those to your own bank teller and tell him/her you'd like to deposit funds in that account. The transaction would be almost immediate.

I'm exploring options for payment. That is one of them.
and... that sounds like a great idea for transactions, along with the other usual methods I would suppose...

Good on ya Mark... you just let us know when, and I will go to the bank... :)
Yes, I would absolutely appreciate an direct payment option. I do not have credit cards for paying in the net. I never wanted one to not get in danger to buy a lot of stuff in the net. But I heard, this kind of payment is not custom overseas? Here in Europe it's the main payment mode. But well, maybe I am out of date with this.
Anyway, such an option would be great.

Ok that's good to know you guys, ty.

Actually i've done the direct payment transactions overseas a lot for Web design work. I worked for a fella in Ireland. We had no problems.
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