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Step by Step Tutorial

I apologize, I still can't figure out which layer you adjusted the opacity to, before we added the gradient. I went back over the last two pages and can't figure out where you are talking about.

I think I posted a screen shot "before" I was completely finished with the steps.

Here my last screen shots, and my final shot.

I think I've got everything down, now. I know it will take practice to get good at this and I can't thank you enough.

I'm getting sick of this jet. I'll go work on another one and post it later today/tonight.

Thank you so very much!


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I tried another one, while it was all fresh in my brain.

They look pretty good, but somehow and somewhere, I got messed up, because my reflection doesn't look as good as the first example.
Too blurry or too far removed from the different layers, if that makes sense?


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Here is one more while I am "brain smart".

BTW, I figured out why the "flip vertical" boxes were not showing up. I needed to be inside the "CTRL+T" box of the photo, and then right clicking and they showed up.



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Sorry, had to run out for a few!

These look great, I think your doing just fine!

knowoneuno said:
I apologize, I still can't figure out which layer you adjusted the opacity to, before we added the gradient. I went back over the last two pages and can't figure out where you are talking about.
Remember this step?
Sam said:

(Note: This step may not be necessary, but I will cover it and you can choose how it looks in the final image. You can alway turn this layer off or delete it altogether)

Turn off/deselect the “Plane copy 1” layer by clicking once n the eye icon of that layer.
Turn on/select the “Plane copy 2” layer by clicking once n the eye icon of that layer.

Select/highlight the “Plane copy 2” layer by clicking once on the body of the layer in the layers panel.

Your layers panel should look like this:

On your keyboard, hit Command/Control + T to enter free transform.
Right click within the bounding box and choose “flip vertical”

Don’t do anything else! Hit enter or click on the checkmark to accept the state change.
Your image should be upside down now.

Leave the “Plane copy 2” layer selected/highlighted, but turn on/select “Plane copy 1” layer.

Your layers panel will look like this:

Your canvas will look like this:

Select your Move Tool.
Use the DOWN directional arrow key on your keyboard to move the “Plane copy 2” layer down.
Position just below the “Plane copy 1” image.
(Note: You can hold down the shift key to speed up the movement)

Your canvas should now look like this:

Set this layers blending mode to “soft light”
Reduce this layers opacity to 16%

Your canvas should now look like this:
Screen Shot 2017-04-30 at 11.59.45 AM.png

Your layers panel should look like this:
It even had an image showing the layer with a reduced opacity! If you followed these instructions, you should have picked up on that the second time around! LOL!!

knowoneuno said:
BTW, I figured out why the "flip vertical" boxes were not showing up. I needed to be inside the "CTRL+T" box of the photo, and then right clicking and they showed up.
Yup, it was right there in my instructions! LOL!!

Sam said:
Right click within the bounding box and choose “flip vertical”
Thanks for all your help with this, I can never thank you enough.

Couple of questions about all of this.

What if I wanted to make the blur not as strong, would I reduce both of the values you gave me in the blur portion of the steps? The original artist that I am "trying" to mimic, seems to have less blur on their shots.

Also, I've tried this already, but to make the final "line" across the photo, I've added another layer and then drawn the line with your instructions and that I way I can adjust the opacity to suit my tastes. That is okay, isn't it?
Thanks for all your help with this, I can never thank you enough.
Your very welcome!

knowoneuno said:
What if I wanted to make the blur not as strong, would I reduce both of the values you gave me in the blur portion of the steps?
Yes, you will just have to experiment with the settings until you find something you like.

knowoneuno said:
The original artist that I am "trying" to mimic, seems to have less blur on their shots.
Remember, this is only my attempt at reproducing the effect. It's NEVER going to look exactly the same. One thing you should try is to contact the company and ask if they don't mind sharing exactly how they do it. You never know, this approach has worked well for me in the past.

knowoneuno said:
Also, I've tried this already, but to make the final "line" across the photo, I've added another layer and then drawn the line with your instructions and that I way I can adjust the opacity to suit my tastes. That is okay, isn't it?
Not really, your just complicating the process. Just use the layer mask on "plane copy 1"....................that's all you need to do! The opacity is controlled by your brush. But if it's working for you, then by all means do it that way.
I wrote the company and asked them if they wouldn't mind sharing their technique and process. Hopefully they will give me an answer.

I'll keep practicing !!
I followed your steps about the line across the two layers at the very end..........so if I am understanding you correctly, in Plane Copy 1, in the layers mask, the foreground color is black and then I would just use my paint brush to draw the line across the two "merging" layers?

Here is my latest one, please let me know what you think of it.


  • N550JD_JohnDeereN_reflect.jpg
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I followed your steps about the line across the two layers at the very end..........so if I am understanding you correctly, in Plane Copy 1, in the layers mask, the foreground color is black and then I would just use my paint brush to draw the line across the two "merging" layers?
That's right. It's always adjustable, you can change the brushes color to white as well in order to clean up if you overdo the effect. Remember, the layer mask is sensitive to any tone between white and black, the brushes opacity setting directly affects what is revealed or concealed.

knowoneuno said:
Here is my latest one, please let me know what you think of it.
I think the reflection looks similar to the ones in your original examples. Fantastic job!
The plane image on the other hand, has some problems. Was the plane cut and pasted to that background? The plane is way too brightly lit for that background.
That's right. It's always adjustable, you can change the brushes color to white as well in order to clean up if you overdo the effect. Remember, the layer mask is sensitive to any tone between white and black, the brushes opacity setting directly affects what is revealed or concealed.

I think the reflection looks similar to the ones in your original examples. Fantastic job!
The plane image on the other hand, has some problems. Was the plane cut and pasted to that background? The plane is way too brightly lit for that background.


That was a "point and shoot" shot on the ramp at Miami International Airport a few years ago and I had a retouching service work on it.......the pilot (who isn't a photographer or photoshop whiz) LOVED it, so that is what matters to me on this one.


Here's another new one.


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I think your doing a great job! How do feel about them?

Thank you!

I'm getting more and more comfortable with them and now know some of the steps, by memory, yet I'm still
not at the other guy's level......his just look better. Possibly not as much blur???

I like what you've taught me, just need to "tweak" it.
Here is my latest one.

Still wish I could reduce the blur more, where it almost looks like "glass".....

Any thoughts?

I've reduced the path blur to less than 50%.


  • VU6A8309N_reflect_fred.jpg
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Not sure where your going.................you seem to be getting further away from the examples you posted and moving more towards a natural and realistic reflection. Have you made some recent comparisons of your current images to those you originally posted?


Look at the over distortion and stretching like the engine cowl and windows. Look at the doubled image of the plane. This is where you need to work on the blending between the distorted plane and the regular plane.

Remember, calm, still, glassy water will never cause an overly distorted reflection, if fact it should be almost mirror like. As long as your wanting the distortion, it's never going to look like glass.

Either way, I think you are doing a fine job.
So can you please give me some direction on how to figure out where and how I need to work on the blending between the distorted plane and the regular plane? Some of the other photographs stuff looks like the one
you just posted, and then some are just reflections, so that is where I went with the recent example with not as much distortion.......still a work in progress. Maybe I'll have two or three different styles?


Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to guide me on this journey!!
