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Secrets of the Gods: finding your doc's center coords.

I've had chocolate beer that was definately interesting.

I can't imagine any food that you couldn't successfully coat with chocolate... it's like the swiss army knife of the food world. hehe
Actually, a lot of tomato sauces use chocolate as a flavor enhancer, so it's not that out there to think that it's on your pasta ;)

Actually, that's why there is salt in things, sodium is a flavor enhancer as well, it makes the flavors in things stronger and more pronounced, which is why it's in everything. Which is often why it's used with chocolate, it makes things more chocolately ;). Take a look at the ingredients on the back of a hershey bar sometime, or the ingredients they list for hot cocoa on the back of a box of powdered baking cocoa. Salt ;)

You might say the secret ingredient is salt -- Marge Simpson [sly]
I think that it's time to rename this thread the "chocoholics" thread! [:I :D :righton:

[confused] But really, MB... chocolate beer????? }P

Yes, Mexican cooking involves some great chocolate based sauces! %} %} %}
wbiss said:
I think that it's time to rename this thread the "chocoholics" thread! [:I :D :righton:

[confused] But really, MB... chocolate beer????? }P

Yes, Mexican cooking involves some great chocolate based sauces! %} %} %}

Oh yeah right, like all those other threads aren't just
"closet" chocoholic threads!! ;) :bustagut: hehehe

It was microbrewed with bitter chocolate, kind of like you'd use in baking. It wasn't like they stirred some hersheys syrup into a bud lite or anything. hehe Dark stuff though, couldn't see through it... about 14 % alcohol, made guinness look like water. haha good stuff though. The giant sandwich that I got with it didn't hurt my mood any either :) Nothing better than going to a micro brew and splitting a pitcher with good friends.

Yes, often had chocolate in mole' before. Not my favorite as I like enchiladas to be more soft and spicey where the mole' tends to make things a bit dark and rich for my tastes. But then... if we're gonna move from chocolate, I think chilli pepers would be the next topic in the "mmmmmm........." category!! :D
which is a lovely segue into what i have to say... that hot chocolate (one of the rare females who doesn't really dig chocolate) tastes fantastic with some chopped chillie included in the brewing process. Believe this is an old aztec thing...
Bubble said:
Believe this is an old aztec thing...

Or so Johny Depp would have us belive!! ;) hehe
also jamie oliver - not sure if you get the naked chef over there, but i forgot it was mentioned in chocolat!!
theKeeper said:
OMG i can't believe i forgot all about this! [oops]

Trust me... this isn't the usualy method of making a dot then cutting and pasting it back in to locate your doc's center coords. ;)

Do this:

For whatever tool you need to use or function you need to apply, here's a method of locating the center of your canvas in a snap. I'd hazard a guess that 98% of you haven't seen/heard of this trick anywhere, until now. ;)

Choose any tool you need to use. Let's say it's the circular selection tool and you need to create a circle/oval in the center of your canvas.

Here's the secret move... in the Info Palette (Windows>Info), click on the cross icon to the left of the X/Y coords (bottom left). From that menu choose "Percent". Now... position your cursor with your eyes as best you can, in the center of the canvas. Then look over at the Info palette and see what the percentages show. Move the cursor around slowly until you find 50% / 50%. Or as close as you care to be to it.

Now start applying your tool! Piece of cake huh?! :D :righton:


Duh mark.. no piece of cake. Why dont you just do what I do? Click on the background layer, go to view>snap ... then ctrl+r to show rulers... then take a horizontal ruler.... pull it down untill it snaps. Take a vertical ruler.. pull it sideways till it snaps.

Maybe your talking about something totally diffrent... dont mind me :\ [oops] :D ;)
Actually that's exactly what i'm talking about Alistar; finding the center of your canvas. And you method is also a valid one for sure... however... ;)

The REAL point of my method was to show everyone that the Info Palette has secret uses that aren't normally known/read about from the Help! files, or other sources.

:righton: :B
