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Secrets of the Gods: finding your doc's center coords.

:bustagut: I take Julie's word for it... ;) it's all your fault that this thread has come to this MindBender! [:I

I admit, madster, that my tastes have become as refined and as sophisticated as yours when it comes to PB&J sandwiches! :righton: And it's skim milk for me, with icecubes! :D

[shhh] I must confess, though, that I still like KD every now and then.... ;\
wbiss said:
it's all your fault that this thread has come to this MindBender! [:I

Why my heart just swells with pride at the thought of it!! ;)

I don't think it counts as a PB&J if there aren't any PB or J invovled... it would be um... nutella and jam or uh.. yeah. hehe Just not the same thing. It's like those flavored oreos... it looks right but something is just askew in the universe :D
Hey, I understand healthy eating; I do it myself. But there are some things that are sacred:

You don't do PBJs with anything but the good stuff: Skippy's, Wondre Bread (white), and Welsh's.

You don't do hot fudge sundaes with anything but real chocolate fudge, vanilla ice cream and real whipped cream.

And yeah, you never, EVER, buy anything but the original Oreos! (They changed the original Tootsie Rolls formula...Tootsie Rolls aren't what they once were
:D Thanks for the smiles MB and Julie.... more needed than you'll ever know. ;)

So now I'm off to make PB&J sandwiches for dinner... the good old fashioned way! :D

:righton: Wonder Bread that sticks to the roof of your mouth!
Bah at grape jelly! It's gotta be Strawberry. ANd chunky peanut butter. Smooth works will with apple slices, but chunky is the way to go for a sandwich.

And why would anyone want nutella and jelly? That would be terrible. Now, plain old nutella sandwiches (read: chocolate sandwiches) are excellent.
chocalate sandwiches hahaha :bustagut: Oh my teeth hurt just thinking about how that might taste -- and trust me... i've eatina LOT of odd food combinations in my time... mostly when i used to be on the road as a musician. 8}

But i just can't handle the "good" stuff as much anymore. Dang... :(|
Wow, guys, its refreshing to know that people still do the pb&j (substitute Jam, never knew/known why you yanks - sorry, for lumping you canadians in with that bunch! :D - call it jelly!! You do realise that that is the wobbly gelatine stuff!!)

I honestly haven't had one of those since i was about 12, but I may be inclined to give it another go, although, i will have to substitute aussie brands, as none of those make any sense to me. I hope that means that aussie pb&j(am) can be just as exquisite then... :P
Because we ARE talking about the wobble stuff. Jam and Jelly are two different things.
oh no - utter state of confusion now - i was under the impression that you actually were using jam, but calling it jelly, now i'm thinking that you put jelly on sandwiches!!! now that is adventurous... [confused]
Go ahead and take a big old scoup of welches jelly out of the jar and compare it to Jello... not much difference really... in texture or ingredients.
It must be jelly 'cause jam don't shake like that!
Yes that's the big difference between jam & jelly.... ;)

Still... I'll take a PB&B sandwich over PB&J anyday! :P
wbiss said:
Still... I'll take a PB&B sandwich over PB&J anyday! :P

That would be... Peanut butter and Brownies? Peanut butter and Blueberries? Peanut butter and Bees?? [stuned] ;)
MindBender... shame on you!

Why, the all-time classic Peanut Butter & Banana.... %} %} %}
And just what do you have against brownies?!?! [doh] [excited] ;)
[saywhat] Ummmm... nothing MB!... I was once one myself!

Oh, those brownies! Phew! Hmmmm... sounds interesting! :D I love those Reese's Peanut Butter Cups...so how far removed can that be from a Peanut Butter & Brownie sandwich? [confused] %}
Peanut butter cups? What's not to love. That's my favorite kind of DQ Blizzard!!!! :D
DQ Blizzard! %} %} %}

This is definitely not a thread to read when one is hungry... ;)
True, true...chocolate and PB is a winning combination!

I think it's partially the chocolate and salt; I also love chocolate-covered pretzels (with dark chocolate of course)
