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Specific Replace Russian with English

Hello. Just to make things easier, can you translate the game names to English please.
@Major Jack - Interesting............you're just adding typical game names that don't really match the consoles. Maybe I was taking the request too literally! LOL!!

It will be nice to hear from the OP on this!
@Major Jack - Interesting............you're just adding typical game names that don't really match the consoles. Maybe I was taking the request too literally! LOL!!

It will be nice to hear from the OP on this!
Somewhat! I have no clue what the Russian equivalent names are, so I just decide to use what I thought they might be, and what I could SEE. Two of the games are clearly SHOOTING games, so I took a random guess. PAC MAN could be right, as the console looks like the old Pac Man game. But, they are all guesses. I was too lazy to research Russian words. :)
