Well, I just got off from a chat on another 3d board I frequent, and I have to tell you... if all the nay sayers continue in this direction then, well, it is really too bad... your missing out on a very cool tool.
Man, I logged on and instantly was greeted by five members

Felt good to feel a belonging... then I was greeted with a few hey James, did you see the latest work by so and so... then a few links were posted... wow... some very cool worx were shown, some different opinions were given, and all of this happened within a few minutes...
all the while a couple of other members were discussing various cool techniques, and rambling back and forth a bit, then presto, another link popped up, everybody had a boo... so cool
some good humour was passed back and forth, and it was a marvelous time

Perhaps it just this particular bunch of people, but I can tell you that they in no way are the juvenile crowd you see on most chat rooms...
Nope, it was very cool, and each time I go there it feels great... like walking into a room of buds...
hey James...
check this out...
holy frig, that's cool..
how long did it take for the render...
twenty minutes...

check out the gallery lately?
oh yea, I reallly like the one ... did
yea, textures could use...
I agree...
hey!! (artist)

yea, you guys are right (artist)
like this? (artist pops back)
totaly right on
Looks awesome now
thanks guys

hey, what we are here for
........ on and on it went... it was cool, work was done and viewed, everybody went their own way, and tonight will show some new and exciting things to say and do... coffee shop stuff
So yea, say nay all ya want... everybody is entitled to an opinion for sure... I say bummmer... PSG is just the type of community which ccould llook beyond all the bs of most chats, and really enjoy thee experience for how it could be...
anyway these are my last words on this subject... if it happens then great, if not, oh well, I tried
Ok, one more word or two... the thing that makes PSG a great place for this to happen, beside the family like feelings here, is that thtere is a board to interact with... chat, post comment, bla bla... the whole experience in one place..
Man, it would be so cool to learn PS with someone posting interactively...
hey James try out this...
like this
nah, needs to be a little more with (tool)
ok, how's this...
Yea, that's more like it
Now, take those layers and....
oh wow man, that was one cool method thanks
no probs
You guys are rock'n
so are you now James

on it goes... and it felt great to learn from people in this manner