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Need help with graphic isolation!


So I've made a heavily edited text graphic for a poster and I need to move it into the finished work, but I can't select all of it for the life of me. So far I've tried the lasso tools, selection tools, and color range selection. I've also tried turning the opacity of the background to zero, but that makes the gradient show. I just can't figure out how to include the lens flares and the outer glow in my selection, I'm only getting the raw text. I feel like the solution is obvious but it's been 3 hours and I'm about to pull my hair out. See attached and I appreciate the help in advance! <3

finished text to be moved.png

layer panel.png

zero opacity.png
So I've made a heavily edited text graphic for a poster and I need to move it into the finished work
Hello and welcome! Let me ask, are you trying to move the text into a different project/document? If so, just group all the layers that comprise the text, copy and paste those layers in to the new document.
Don't include the black bg unless it's crucial to your text. We will have to use another solution for that!
Hello and welcome! Let me ask, are you trying to move the text into a different project/document? If so, just group all the layers that comprise the text, copy and paste those layers in to the new document.
Don't include the black bg unless it's crucial to your text. We will have to use another solution for that!
Thank you for the welcome! I'll probably be sticking around this forum as it seems like one of the few remaining helpful ones lol. Down the the nitty gritty. Removing the black background is where the issue arises. Without it, the overlayed gradient is shown (third screenshot) and it kind of smears the whole document as well. My luck is no better when I copy the whole grouped composition to my destination document, as it overrides the background color of the destination document. I know this issue is rather complex and a little hard for me to explain but I appreciate your quick response and I'm sure we can tackle this o7
Removing the black background is where the issue arises.
I anticipated that this would be an issue. I do have ideas!!!

Can you post a screen shot of the text without the black bg?

Is there any way you can post the PSD file of the text?
OK...........The text effect is dependent on all layers, including those of the effects background. The effect was intended to be on a black background. Thereby, you can only use this text in another document that has a black back background in order for it to blend. Otherwise it would stand out.

(Note: I did extend the canvas and the gradient layer to give me extra room on the sides!)
I made a stamp all visible layer in the text effect document.
With the "bg" layer turned off (optionable), I selected/highlighted the "top graphic" group layer and hit SHIFT + OPT/ALT + CMD/CNTRL + E

This is what you get. Turn off all other layers.
Screen Shot 2025-01-23 at 1.16.45 PM.png

I then used the Move Tool to drag and drop the newly minted "stamp all visible" layer into a new document that had a black background.
Drag from the document window and not the actual layer in the layers panel!
It initially looked like this....
Screen Shot 2025-01-23 at 1.21.21 PM.png

I then blended the text with it's effect into the documents background using a layer mask and the Brush Tool.
Looks like this...
Screen Shot 2025-01-23 at 1.22.51 PM.png

It also works well if you include the black "bg" layer from the text document in the stamp visible process....
Screen Shot 2025-01-23 at 1.32.17 PM.png

Here I removed the black background of the result in the previous image by making a selection with the Magic Wand Tool.
It can pass on a darker colored background.
Screen Shot 2025-01-23 at 6.28.25 PM.png
