OK...........The text effect is dependent on all layers, including those of the effects background. The effect was intended to be on a black background. Thereby, you can only use this text in another document that has a black back background in order for it to blend. Otherwise it would stand out.
(Note: I did extend the canvas and the gradient layer to give me extra room on the sides!)
I made a
stamp all visible layer in the text effect document.
With the "bg" layer turned off (optionable), I selected/highlighted the "top graphic" group layer and hit SHIFT + OPT/ALT + CMD/CNTRL + E
This is what you get. Turn off all other layers.
I then used the Move Tool to drag and drop the newly minted "stamp all visible" layer into a new document that had a black background.
Drag from the document window and not the actual layer in the layers panel!
It initially looked like this....
I then blended the text with it's effect into the documents background using a layer mask and the Brush Tool.
Looks like this...
It also works well if you include the black "bg" layer from the text document in the stamp visible process....
Here I removed the black background of the result in the previous image by making a selection with the Magic Wand Tool.
It can pass on a darker colored background.