We are looking to have ourselves and our baby photoshopped into the attached picture (baby to be added as 3rd "aarvark")
I am an avid photoshop user, but I'm curious the level of work we could expect by using a professional.
Would it be too much trouble for you to photoshop in some generic faces from the Net into the photo attached so we can gauge the level of work we could expect?
also curious how much we would be looking at for this project (these are for our family Christmas card this year) this is not for professional use or anything.

We are looking to have ourselves and our baby photoshopped into the attached picture (baby to be added as 3rd "aarvark")
I am an avid photoshop user, but I'm curious the level of work we could expect by using a professional.
Would it be too much trouble for you to photoshop in some generic faces from the Net into the photo attached so we can gauge the level of work we could expect?
also curious how much we would be looking at for this project (these are for our family Christmas card this year) this is not for professional use or anything.