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Looking for help on my family Christmas card



We are looking to have ourselves and our baby photoshopped into the attached picture (baby to be added as 3rd "aarvark")

I am an avid photoshop user, but I'm curious the level of work we could expect by using a professional.

Would it be too much trouble for you to photoshop in some generic faces from the Net into the photo attached so we can gauge the level of work we could expect?

also curious how much we would be looking at for this project (these are for our family Christmas card this year) this is not for professional use or anything.


I do it for what ever you want to pay me send me pictures your best res ones
I do it for what ever you want to pay me send me pictures your best res ones

Before I go firing around my family photos over the internet, I'd love for you to take a stab at randomly inserting a photo you've found on the net into the pic I've provided. Once I've seen examples of some peoples handywork, i can pick who I'd like to move ahead with and at that time I will supply the actual photos.

How about trying a famous couple like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes or Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

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Before I go firing around my family photos over the internet, I'd love for you to take a stab at randomly inserting a photo you've found on the net into the pic I've provided. Once I've seen examples of some peoples handywork, i can pick who I'd like to move ahead with and at that time I will supply the actual photos.


sorry all i have time for is one right now I will not post anything you don't want posted read my site
Would it be too much trouble for you to photoshop in some generic faces from the Net into the photo attached so we can gauge the level of work we could expect?

Out of curiousity; did you or anyone else modify that photo that you attached? Something doesn't look right...
Do you have a picture of the baby in the costume or will you need an image of your baby in a baby aardvark costume?

In Faith,

I will need an image of the baby in the aardvark costume... I have several additional screengrabs of the costume at various angles. The baby's face will need to be edited in similar to that of the adults, and then edited into the overall photo in a natural looking way.

This is with my crude photoshopping skills, but you get the picture...

Thanks for your interest
it's a job request, to many request are for show only, if you were serious, you could do your homework and check out EVERYONE that does freelance from clicking on the signature links to their sites
Not hard at al.
No other attempts??? Is this a hard job or time consuming?

I don't know about others, but I don't do it because I'm only here to TEACH and give HONEST opinions.

On the other hand, iDad is mainly here to spam his site as you might have noticed by his comment...

A little warning about iDad though; check his previous posts and you'll notice that he does a lot for free on this board, yet he does have the guts to ask innocent people like you to pay for his services, which in all fairness are of a beginner's level as you might have noticed by looking at his work. :rolleyes:
