Part 2/2
So how can you protect yourself? Suggestions for improvement?
This is ultimately the question... I've got a couple suggestions although nothing that is ground breaking.
The first thing I would love to see on the forum is a portfolio. That is the bread and butter of any artist or designer's sales pitch. Perhaps I haven't looked hard enough and it already exists but I see that as missing from this current arrangement. Some of you have your own websites in your sig. which is great (assuming there is a portfolio there or examples of your work) but for others (most?) there is no way I can quickly go and access examples of your work.
You guys want a commitment (payment up front) from OP's but there is really no way for an OP to see examples of your works at a glance. The only way I guess would be if they actively lurked over time and watched creations as they were produced.
If the forum software is capable of it, I would love to see a portfolio section, linked under your avatar, sig etc. If a gallery cannot be created, there should be a master thread/forum called 'Portfolios'. I saw there was a graphic design showroom but that's not really a portfolio.
Under the main 'Portfolios' thread/forum, each artist could have their own thread simply titled as their name, posts in that thread would be exclusively images and pictures from past projects, html links to companies or businesses showcasing your work etc. Mods would have to perform minimal maintenance deleting non-conforming posts but essentially a place I could go and at a glance see a collection of examples of work from specific artists/designers here on the board. If you expect an Op to come and pre-pay for work, at least they should know the quality of work you can produce and your personal style.
In that portfolio thread, the first post could be a list of services you provide, and work you prefer or are best at. Your individual should be linked in all of your sigs, and under the "About Me" section or somewhere in your profile! Even a link under your avatar would be great.. then as I'm reading through an unrelated forum, and I see something you've done that I like, I can simply click to the left or in the sig and see your portfolio...
I recently tried to view the work from a few people in particular on this board and didn't have any luck. When I search all posts by you, it gives the 2 line snippit of the post but no images are included so I don't know which posts have images or not. Anyway long story short, it would be great if you could promote your work through example and make it easy for a potential OP to see!
I agree with the watermarks and the low-res images. This may be defeatable and it won't protect your intellectual concepts, it is a first line of defence and a simple thing you can do to protect yourself! It's a great start and I don't think any reasonable OP would expect you to hand over full res unmarked images until payment has been made.
My next suggestion is more to do with relationship management. This is more the business / sales side talking, but if you want to win an op over and increase your chances of being paid, I would say invest a little time in building some rapport. The current system is some anonymous person who has confirmed a working email addy puts a challenge out to you guys... you trip over yourselves to toss great ideas out one after another. You know nothing about the client and have no connection there.
I'm suggesting you treat it more like a bit of a consultation... "Let's chat so I understand exactly what you're looking for and can provide you the best service possible"... doing that not only results in a happier client (they get something closer to what they envisioned in their mind) but it also builds a bit of a relationship and they would feel more obligation to pay for the work.
I realize this isn't going to stop scammers... there is little you can do to prevent people who come into this with bad intentions... but if you throw a bunch of drawings at someone without even saying hello, they just think, oh these guys do this cause they love it, there is no ownis on the op to compensate. I'm not saying guilt them into it, but if they recognize that you spend real time and effort in hopes of something in return, the likelihood is higher they will pay. Remember companies go to PR/design firms and pay crazy prices because they establish relationships.
As an example, send them a message/email, get some personal contact info from them... "could you please provide me with an email so I can send proofs to..." At least if someone bails, you've got a personal email to harass them with, or remind them to come back and pick an idea. This helps you establish some connection with them. Send them an email, engage them.
I realize some of you are just doing this for fun, and have no interest in doing the consultation bit, I'm just trying to offer some suggestions as to how you can reduce the instances of people walking. The last thing you want is to throw a bunch of proofs out there for an OP and have them take your ideas to a firm and pay $$$ that should have been in your pocket. I'm not sure if that happens but it certainly could with the current system.
Ok, this is getting long as usual so I'll wrap it up, but I did want to comment on one more thing regarding a post by Paul. While I totally understand where you're coming from when you suggest everything should be posted on the forums for all to see, there are lots of cases where this isn't the best approach.
The nice thing (for the OP) about having it on a forum is an OP gets to play you against one another. I'll give $50 for the best design... that's great if you've got the best but it sucks if you're the second best and have spent just as much time. It is also good for the OP because every post is going to influence the next post... If iDad submits a design and ibclare takes that idea and runs with it, I as a customer will get a better result, especially if I'm' offering good feedback along the way.
As I mentioned before, the nature of your clients may include people just attempting to start businesses or ideas. A logo is often the place people start, themes are built around that and sometimes so is the business (name, domain etc.). This is when posting on the forum won't work for an OP. I'm in this exact situation now. I would LOVE to post my idea request on a forum and have a bunch of people working on it simultaneously but the reality is confidentiality is worth more to me than cheap design labour.
I've got a business idea in my mind. I do not have a logo, I do not have a company name established, I do not have copyrights or trademarks, nor do I have the domain names locked up. I've got absolutely no protection for my idea and the last thing I want is to post it in a public forum for someone else to steal. Posting stuff publicly on the web is out there forever and for everyone to see. Web engine crawlers gobble up the info for all to search and that's it. If you search my name on google, a post from an old thread on a car enthusiast forum comes up from 1996.
The last thing i need is to put a logo request out there, and have some enterprising individual hijack the domain and extort me later. Anyway I'll leave it at that, just recognize that a public forum isn't an idea medium for someone attempting to establish a business to spill their creative ideas. That is another advantage a professional firm has.
I'm not sure if it's possible but does this forum software allow locked threads that are not visible to the public or search engine crawlers? EG: I post a thread "Logo design contract", lock it so no one can see the content of the posts and invite only certain artists to join? This could be another suggestion to generate more work. Confidentiality could attract more customers, and more serious ones.
My $0.02.
P.S., chuckling at the "post QUICK reply" button!
P.P.S. did you guys know the max text for a forum post is 10,000 characters? lol.