Hi Maya,
OMG, I was taking a shower and for some reason I thought about
you and told myself "there is something I forgot" and then it hit
me : you mentioned GROO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I loved Groo when I was young, that idiot always killed the good
guys by mistake
And he had this dog ( Ruferto or something ) always following
And the Sage, and Arba and Dakabra ( if I remember correctly )...
Anyways, I like sci-fi and such too, but I love FANTASY the most.
Laters . . .
PS : forgot to mention, I still didn't look for a job in 3D

I was
hoping to work as a freelancer and that way not to be commited
to anybody, I'm not good with being in a "frame", and don't know
how to take orders, it's gonna be strange to work for someone
else [confused] but it's time to leave the family business and
do it on my own.