You're quite right! Mark has the best one around, the atmosphere is friendly and helpful and attracts those to it of the same nature (Mark deserves a huge round of applause and appreciation for all his efforts :} :} :}).
Great idea in studying drawing, you'll enjoy that and it will help I'm sure in everything you create. Comics----those artists are very talented, I admire the work they do and marvel how they can keep up with the editors' deadlines. They seem to just ooze creativity!I've collected all sorts of comics as well, and even by chance, a few months ago, met the artist who has been drawing the "Groo" character cartoon/comics for like 30 years (also he's from "Mad" magazine), Sergio of all places an old antique shop where I was looking at some very old skeleton keys, and we just got to talking.

He had a tough time getting started too, but he never gave up, and then he just finally found the right editor---success at last!!!

So never give up! I would think it would be a natural tie-in with the games also.
Those 3D shoes and the games you work on will lead down that road you want to take---just keep doing what you love, it'll happen!
I've posted a few threads here on the "Show-board" (actually quite a few

)which do contain some of my paintings with just a bit of PS to ready them for display here...if you're interested just look for the "Raven" and there's all sorts of stuff I've posted recently there. The tiger painting is one of my favorites it is a 24" x 36" and many others I think are on a
"Too Cold? Think Warm, Think Tropics, Think Parrots ??" thread and there are others with snowy landscapes in sort of holiday card/scenes....I'll see if I can sort through them and put some links to a few here....
Will check out your site too! to dredge up a link or two........