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DJ LOGO hip hop

The problem being is if you give the OP a logo even if it is a free request and they use it thinking they have some nice custom graphics then suddenly get a law suit thrown at them for copyright infringement legally you are responsible for supplying the OP with the image edited or not. Unless you state that it is an image from xxxx.

and also make it clear you do not own the copyright to it.

In this case I actually think it is a stock vector of logo without the DJ in it but the person who added the DJ may have legally bought the rights to both vector arts or brushes if you have not done that then theoretically you are committing intelectual property theft.

And no Artist wants the reputation of stealing other peoples work
My bad sorry, mattattack has changed to background, and ive done some changes, so is that mean i still can use it cos ive done some changes
wow ... i love all the colour edits that mattattack has done .... but however after reading what hoggle has written should i still use the logo .... if not i guess its back to the drawing board for u guys.... also hoggle i hope to c a design from u as well ... plus mattattack and bubolan4o thx so much for the work u have done...hope to c some new designs soon
Sorry, I was unaware of the source...
I thought what's his name did them...
But, After I am done the clan logo I can hit you up with some graphics from my graphics tablet. . .
Hope I get done soon.
look mate i will try new design cos probabl that one is not going to work its all my fault, so i will try something different.. :) soon
How about You make The initial design And I bring it to life?
Thank you, Hoogle.
Without you I would be Um let me put it like this in a bad place.
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Ok I may do a starting point will have a play around now.

Some questions need answering first if you answer them quickly then I can possibly do something tonight. Getting late and I have a meeting early in the morning.

Preffered colors
does it have to be obvioulsly DJ themed ie decks, Headphones etc ( I have done a few designs where Dj Theme is only referenced and they go down well.)

are you after vector art like what has already been done or can we add some more whoompth to it.

my usual level is clean and simple or are you after loud and lots to look at etc

any other preferences.

Is 3d an option you are open to
THX HOGGLE , first off no preferred colours
secondly i don't think i have seen (or cant rememberseeing)any dj logo without being dj themed so im gonna leav that aspect to u ,u the designer...
well i liked the vector art which was done earlier,i'm a fun of it but would like to c what u mean when u say add whoompth to it....
it dosen't really have to be loud and lots to look at,once its a good logo where i can use to market myself ...
dont really have any other prefrences and 3d is is ok but only requested it earlier to bring out the name a little.... u the artist/designer so
I am actually working on something that looks really nice and Clean Something totally different for a DJ Logo
Ok here is my attempt

just some random lighting in the background
bonny b example.png

Plain black background
bonny bdark.png

And then the plain PNG version so you can put it on any background you like please note if you just save it then it will have a white background you need to click it 2 or 3 times so it opens up in anew window same goes for all of them for the better quality larger versions cllick them a few times to maximum size

bonny b.png

And if you want to change the color scheme then open it up in photoshop add a hue saturation adjustment layer above thepng and slide the sliders until your happy. you can even target specific colors.
WOW , WOW , WOW ... speechless ... unique ... have never seen anything like it before , absolutely love it ....i no my gf is gonna love it ....thx hoggle ...much appreciated ....
cool no problem.
what I like to see easy customers that let you do your own thing and like the 1st attempt lol
believe it or not I actually really like it as well like you say probably quoting me lol I have never seen DJ Logos like that before that may even make my POrtfolio tut when ever I actually get round to building it properly and finishing my own website.
