Right then, after you have your work done, maybe it's time to do a clean install and start again.
Do you know how to install an operating system like windows XP? and then do all updates and so on?
Also do you know how to back up all your files and so on, cos some times it really is just best to start again.
Let me know if you are up for doing this, you may not be, but remember to back every thing up first, other wise you will loos every thing
Yeah I know how to do a total clean out and reinstall of a system - done it quite a few times with different systems over the years. I know I really do need to do that, my system today is just wacky - it's been getting worse day by day. I defragged a couple weeks ago and that helped but not enough.
I've got most of my stuff on an external hard drive. I've got another external that I can borrow from my dad, to put everything else on (about 60 more gig) while I do a total system clean out.
Today Photoshop started up with the same issues, but I got my projects done so now I've got some die-cutting I need to do tonight. I don't know what the hell is wrong with Photoshop. I very nearly ordered CS5. I found out I can get it with the teacher discount for $200 from JourneyEd and came quite close to ordering it, but I'm not sure it would fix anything as I think my system is going wonky. Today my Illustrator took forever to MOVE and do anything, and then my die-cut software is moving like molasses as well. So either I have a hidden bug/trojan/virus/whatever, or my system is tanking on me. I figured it would this year - it's 5 years old now and as hard as I run my computers, 5 years is about what I get out of them.
Any suggestions for a new system? I've always gone Dell but not sure I will again. I'm not a Mac kind of girl plus my die-cutter has major issues working on Macs, even on the Window OS on a Mac, so Mac is pretty much out window. The Gazelle (die cutter) is critical to getting the things done that I need to get done.
I've got other stuff in Illustrator and in the Gazelle that HAS to get done this week but after that I'm probably going to take it down and totally go clean it and get it going again. I'm beginning to think its just my system has about had it. I know on the new one I need at least 1 Gig Ram, preferably 2. At least 200 GIG hard drive. Windows 7 - will it work with CS4? I love XP PRO but will probably have a hard time finding a laptop with it on there. I really do want it to be a laptop, portable, so I can work on the run if I need to. Right now my laptop is only good for emails and simple designing within the Gazelle software. Once I load anything else it trudges along. It'd be nice to not be tethered to the desktop. Honestly, though, this particular system just never worked quite right. I've had problems with it from the get-go. All my other Dells, I had much better experiences. I just got a bad one this time around.