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critisicm: day into night pic


Well-Known Member
this is something i am working on

this was a day pic and i converted it into night
with some rain and fog

please provide me ur inputs and help
im not happy with the car reflection
having some problem with flares in general

anything more to make it more realistic

here is the original

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Yeah like clare said mate, without that we cannot really help you, the image does look a little bit like a GTA still.
kar1zma said:
anything more to make it more realistic

What two major elements do you notice about the three following photos?



You guys found them both! The lighted (refracted) raindrops in the beams and the reflection on the ground.

This question was really for kar1zma though! LOL!!! I think he will get the idea!

yes from ur examples i see that
(1) the area in front of the car beams must be brighter to show the rain fall
(2) the reflection of the headlight on the ground.

for point one i think i can manage something let me try it and post up
for point two there is a nice puddle of water in the three examples im not sure how i can achieve that effect

here is the original pic i started with
057rework resize.jpg

1-reduced the rain a little ( though i think the rain in the previous pic looked cooler)
2-tried to make the rain infront of the headlights brighter
3-redid the reflection of the car
4-very bad attempt at creating the ripple of light from the headlight
Your on the right track.

I would place some clouds in the sky. Subtly, just to offer some contrast so the sky is not so even. But it doesn't look bad the way it is.
I would back off the darkness just a tad. I would use a gradient that was darkest from top to bottom.
Increase the intensity and size of the glow of all the lights, but mainly the headlights.

This is a quick and exaggerated example of the area of the raindrops that would be lit from the headlights. All the drops within the white cones would show subtle refracted light.
Screen Shot 2014-02-03 at 9.25.15 AM.png

There is a crazy half lens flare right here that I would get rid of..
Screen Shot 2014-02-03 at 9.39.20 AM.png
here is the rework based on ur comments iamsam
1-increased the brightness of the headlights
2-added some more rain in front of the headlights
3-added a gradient

057rework resize.jpg
I followed this thread closely, and I'm aware, that it is a big challenge to do a night job out of a day image.
So far non of the posted images are actually nice to look at, because in the process of darkening all the car details got lost. Just look at the original car image. It is of a super quality and in a high resolution.

That's why I tried a different approach and put the car in a new "night street scene" and added some very hard rain.

I'm always open to critique and further suggestions.


picture source: pic2014.com
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I'm no expert by any means, but you can notice very easily that the car looks like it hasn't made contact with rain. Which is the look you obviously want to have, in combination with rain.

Again I don't edit photo's myself, just trying to help.

i like ur work on the car but the car is too lit and the color tone dosent match the BG.
the car looks out of place but i think with some tweaking it would look awesome

im going for a dark look in my work
iamsam im waiting for ur comments on my last pic
kar1zma said:
iamsam im waiting for ur comments on my last pic
Sorry! I'm slacking on the job! LOL!!

I definitely like the gradient! Just right!
I like the subtlety of the rain outside the lights, you could brighten them just a tad.
You lost a bit of the reflection under the cars left headlight. I would soften their edges a little as well.
The light in the raindrops looks pretty good. You could go with a bit more but they would be fine the way they are.
Try brightening the fog lights a little and see how that looks.

All in all, work on the light reflection in the road and your pretty dern close!

I'll try to find two tut's I once happened on, one on bouncing raindrops and the other about a light beam that will help you in future projects!
