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critisicm: day into night pic

ok i redid the flares by following those tuts
i also redid the fog around the light beams

however im just not able to recreate the splatter effect on the car
i googled various images of cars in rain and the effect seems to be very difficult to recreate

when i compared the rain in my very first pic and this i feel the rain looks more real in the first
over here its more softer
your comments gurus

057rework1 resize.jpg
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This is shaping up quite nicely!

The "flares" look great. If it's at all possible, you might could aim them a little more upwards, I think they're pointing down a bit too much.

Did you decide to do away with the reflections?

(note: I have to run to work right now, I will be back after 6:00)
ill adjust the light beams to point a little upwards

i forgot about the reflections but they werent very believable in my earlier pic
ill try again though

what can we do about the splatter of rain drops on the hood
though that tut was helpful im not able to recreate the effect to suit this pic
kar1zma said:
what can we do about the splatter of rain drops on the hood
though that tut was helpful im not able to recreate the effect to suit this pic
Let me do some checking to see if I can find or figure out a way to accomplish the effect.
hey sam

re-adjusted the lights and added some reflection on the ground
i guess this picture is almost done except for the rain drop reflections on the car body
i feel that is gonna be very hard to replicate but u never know

sam i also feel i need some drama in the BG maybe add some clouds or something?

057rework1 resize.jpg

here one with clouds

057rework1 with clouds resize.jpg
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This is looking better and better!

I definitely prefer the second example with the clouds! Gives the BG a little contrast and adds depth.

I'm still working on the raindrop splatter, I got a little side tracked yesterday. The splatter is not that crucial though and I'm certain we can get away without it.

Did you abandon the lens flares? I also meant to ask if you had some lens flare brushes?

Also, on a new layer of course, just for kicks to see how it might look, try adding two glowing lights to the structures in the BG, like a street lamp or parking lot lot light, etc,...
Thanks for the vote of confidence
I removed the old lens flare and added the concentrated
Ones on the headlamps
the old ones had a halo around it I wasn't too happy with those
I will add some lights to the buildings In the back
That should be interesting
057rework1 with clouds resize.jpg

i added some lights to the buildings and a street lamp glow
i do have a lens flare brush i tried it but it didnt feel right

so shall we call this done or we still gonna try the rain splatter
Nice interpretation on the lights! I did not think of adding lights in the windows! I think the lights add to the depth of the image as well.

As I said before, I think the rain splatter would not add much given the viewpoint and lighting of the car. It might enhance it if the car were more back-lit so I think it will be fine without them.

I think you've covered all the major aspects needed to create a convincing composite here! All in all, you've done a great job on this one! Your in charge here so if your ready to call it done then I'm with you!
