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Coloring a Black and White image


Active Member
I learned how to do this a while back and realised I haven't done it in a while, so I colored a black and white image using curves! Did I do a good job or does anyone know a better way of doing it?

It looks great.

Curves is probably the best way to do it, Color Balance and Vibrance can also be useful.

What was your process?
Steve you being a photographer will love this filter
Steve you being a photographer will love this filter
I know all about the RGB channels in Curves.
There is no RGB in a Black and White image.

Open a B&W image in PS and open Curves your choices are ........... "Gray".

Here's a B&W image.
Walk me through how to colorize this with Curves.

Botanical G_03302010_07.jpg
Here are the steps for that image

1. Add a curves layer with a layer mask. Choose the color in the Curves settings. Then invert the layer mask and start painting on the color with a white brush. (It doesn't matter if you're not completely happy with the color, cause you can always change the settings later on.)

2. Keep adding Curves layers until you've painted the whole image.

3. When that is done I changed the Vibrance and Saturation a little bit, but that is not necessary.

And that was it. I am not happy with the skin color though. I find it hard to find the right color settings for the skin.
Hi Kevin, yeah I tried that last night too.
Nothing happens until you alter the curve so it took me a minute or two to realize that was part of the process.

Well this method certainly works well for Krystal but seems overly complicated to me.
I just create several blank layers, set them to color, select my colors and paint.
Skin is always on a layer by itself because this needs to be just right.
Yeah the curves method takes some time to get used to. But I'm a fan of it!
I like the adjustment layer approach because it is completely non-destructive and you can go back in to your PSD and make changes very easily.
Yeah, the skin is a tough one.. I never seem to get the right shade.
I do it completely different, I create a new layer, set the property to Color, and name it skin.
I use #f6ccbb as my color and paint the skin, this is obviously for a white person.
About the only adjustment I need to make is to lower the opacity a little.
Then I'll make 1 or more other layers set to Color for the rest of the colorization. but skin is always by itself.
