I am not sure which of these your refer to? The first one is the latest? If so, then I agree, your shadows are OK since the light is from above and left for the most part. The model kinda breaks the rules, but hey, it's a fantasy.
I wish it were higher resolution. I think that is the part of the problem with cloning and so on. Did you make it at a higher res?
I still think that the "blossoms meet model" area could use work, but that is just me. I made an image of the piece. In the circle area I cloned the grey on her arm. In the small square I replaced some of the darkness of the branch. I assume you used a mask so that would be easy. Then in the larger rectangle area, I cloned more blossoms - I thought the branch ends looked funky disappearing into her as they did. I chose blossoms for sharpness as her arm is not blurred out. Anyway ... just food for thought.
Like I said and everyone else, it's really nice.