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Before and After - Amanda Seyfried

Thank you guys! I really appreciate your comments :cheesygrin:
Unfortunately I am very bad at saving PSD files. Once I'm happy with something I save it as a JPG and get rid of the PSD. I might have it somewhere though, I'll have a look. But right now my laptop is out of battery since my charger broke. So I can't check till I get a new one of those. :)
Absolutely brilliant! It looks as though you put quite a lot of work into it. Thank you for your comment on my picture.
Thanks everyone. I will see if I can find the PSD for it and then explain how I did it. :)
Very good touch-up on her face, she had a lot of imperfections an blemishes, her hair is also alot more vibrant, and the background adds a lot of vibrance an effect to the entire photoshop, she looks all the more "hotter", coming from a guy's perspective, lol
Yeah, I spent a lot of time on this image. And when I do retouches I try to change quite a few things, but keep it simple and natural. I love working with warmer colors. That's why I chose red, green and brown for this one :)
Very nice job. How long did it take to do this?

I'm fairly new to PS and would like to know how long these things take as I am looking for a career change into this area. Obviously, there's the learning curve first and every picture is different and its like asking "how long's a piece of string"... but if you can give me an idea of how long it took for this particularly great example, it would help my understanding of what's involved.

Great Job!
