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A Visit with The Larmands...

I did the same thing when I was "with child". Read to her, played music, etc. she started school at 3 1/2 years old and is now a jr in college. She did everything early.

And for those of you asking my age...NO WAY! I am really not that old! :P
well my favourite time with my lil chunks is reading time.... not from a book but from our imaginations.........
I will tell her a story about the bee that has spotted her paintbrush that she left outside and how he picks it up and is now painting the flowers (go through all the colours) and then the fairies in the bottom of the garden come along and put a drop of perfume into the centre of each flower etc... they are quite long stories.......... then it is her turn to tell me a story.........
she will recite what I have just said picking out the bits that are important for her that makes the story interesting.......... it is a great laugh and a wonderful time spent together but I learnt a lot from this from the point of view of childrens books and how they should be written.... all from listening to my lil chunks he he he
theKeeper said:
Hey that's excellent to hear Anam... cuz we did the same thing. And at this time, Seth is ahead of the curve in a lot of areas. He's even able to voluntarily drink from a cup when presented with it... at 3.5 months. And he was already trying to crawl at 1.5 months. He sits up now, and can pull himself up when we hold his hands above his head. He's really strong. B7

I get the feeling we're going to be proud of him for a lot of things in the furture... cool. [honesty]

right on!! :} :righton: :} :righton: sounds like you're doing the right stuff, eh? Ariann was a pretty quick learner too ... she was talking fairly early, and now lots of people comment on how articulate she is (I might have said that already but on well :\ )

These days Ariann seems to be very interested in the performing arts ... singing, dancing, MUCH narcissism 8[ and things like that. She grabbed the microphone from a performer at her school's "Fairie Festival" last month [saywhat]

:bustagut: I think that Mark changes his avatar every time he changes Seth's diapers! [:I :P

;) I like this one too!
<snort> That's pretty funny Wendy ... :P ROTFL

This is the same picture of him that he used to use a year or two ago ... well, you were prolly here then too, eh what?


Hi There Mark and Anam!

Pics of your Wee Folk are wonderful and its great that you guys are diligent about your digi-records in these matters Cause I tell ya they grow so darn fast and there are so many monumental changes that come so quickly you'll be glad to have it all at some point down the line...

Wishing you both all the best with your little ones for years to come!

yupyup ... thanks Ranger :D Sounds lkiuke the voice of experience over there :D

Hey Guys,

You bet and I am a proud Father and Grandfather :D :D

I spent 28 years in service of my country and during that time if it were not for the lovely and devoted Mrs. ranger who diligently kept a photojournal of our daughter while she was growing up I would not have had much to remember....

Thanks to the efforts of my wife,my daughter Cathy grew up to be a responsible and contributing member of the Human Race and now has a son (My Grandson) and his name is Ben.. :)

I spend alot of time with Ben now because I can and my daughter is supportive of that because she remembers what it was like for her with her daddy always gone...God knows where....Very few others did!!

Now i sit with my wife Sylvia and we get out the old photo albums of Cathy she is very quick to point out to me the similarities and the differences between my daughter and my grandson....These are things which most people take for granted because they are lucky to be with their children while they are growing up! For me it had to be explained....because I was never there.

So you see what I mean by my previous post...You guys not only have your photo's but also the memories because you are fortunate enough to be able to take an active role in raising your children....

Now People who know me know me to be good man and honest man but because of what I did for 28 years I can be a major hardass, who led other major hardasses into very difficult and unpleasant situations...

But when my little Grandson sits on my lap and looks up at me with that beautiffully innocent little face and asks,"Gwampa,Do you rewe,rewe, wuv me?!! All I can manage is to hug him hard and tears are streaming down my face and I tell him; Little Fellow,someday if you are lucky enough to have a little child and Grandchild....then you will truly understand just how very,very much I really,really love you!!!

So Mark and Anam.....Cherish every living moment with your children as I see you are both very proud Daddies...Just like me!!! :righton: :)


Ps Here is ben!
Doh!!! ;\ ;\ ;\

I know you guys are going to give me Hell for not properly cropping Ben's pic....sorry but I couln't wait...After all; every ones getting out the old wallet for show and tell time..Heh!..Heh!

thanks for the story, info and picture, Ranger. Very cool, very touching. Thank you :righton:

Yeah, I was largely alone when I was being raised as well, and so was my wife (though in a different way, for different reasons). Neither of us want Ariann to grow up like that, so we both take an active role. and we plan on continuing that.

I said to my wife the other day -- "everyone needs time to themselves in order to remain sane. So sometimes I tell Ariann 'later.' But for every 'later' I make sure there's at least one, if not two 'okay, now is good'. "

Thank you.

Hi There!

You guys are doing much better than I did the first time around but now I'm trying to make up for all the years for cathy by being there for ben...

Everyone is happy now including me!

You guys just keep on keeping on!
Wonderful words of 'advice' to these young Dads ranger! :righton:

I read your post and not only did I get "shivers", it actually brought tears to my eyes!

It's only when you've "been there" that you realize how quickly these precious years and moments fly. ;)

And, coiincidentally, it's when you're actually in the "here and now" that the days of diapers and such seem like they'll never end.

Continue to 'cherish' and 'record' all you proud Moms & Dads and Grandmas & Grandpas! :)
Touching story Ranger72 and thanks for sharing it with us.

Enjoy all the time with your grandson! ;)
Hey nice story ranger. Great looking grandson ya got there too. It's good to see you've found some resolve for yourself after all that. Resolution is good. :righton:

Even though i'm a lot older than most first-time dads, i'm going to make sure i'm there for Seth as much as possible. I grew up without a dad, who passed away when i was 13 (1976), so i'm quite familiar with how that can have a strong effect on one's "self" development... not having a father figure to talk to about thing's'n'stuff. I wanna do that stuff with Seth -- and with any other children we may have.
Hats off to my intrepid mother for raising 4 of the 5 of us by herself. And moving us all across the country by herself. :} And all when we were just entering our teens... aaagh!!! Oh mummy you're a strong person! hehe [confused] [honesty]
gee, and I thought *I* was old for a first time dad! Wow, you have me beat by ... about 6 years, Mark :D

So when's your big four-oh? 8} 8} 8}

