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A Visit with The Larmands...

Wow! I disappear froa few months, and look what happens when I get back! Congratulations are in order, Mark... 've done a good job :D It'll change your life; I know MY life was changed three and a half years ago (Being a proud papa myself, I'd include a copy of my very photogenic daughter but that might be tacky, in someone else's family album thread ... [innocent] )

sfm said:
PS: don't forget to read the instructions for putting the cot together he he he you can't just stamp it together........ or merge layers ha ha ha

and note that anything that describes itself as "self-assembly" isn't. You open the box, take out the kit and it just lies there on the floor and makes no attempt to put itself together. [confused]
Beautiful pic of your beautiful little girl Anam! :righton: Ariann looks like a real angel! Thanks for sharing some of your "pride & joy" with us! :)

Mark, where's the "angel" emoticon? :P
Hey, thanks for all your kudos, Mark, Sue, Wendy, etc. I/we appreciate it :D

theKeeper said:
She looks quite mature for 3.5...? [excited]

Well, mark, I managed to capture her in one of her 'serious' moments ... which are fairly few and far between :P The next pic(s) might prove that point. I'm just pretty proud of that picture. BTW, I have not retouched these yet ... I just cropped them down.

Can't wait to see Mark's 'more active' pictures!

oh, and someone let me know if I'm going too far with these pics of MY daughter :D ... you know, posting too many etc

I still say she looks mature for her age... and the wife agrees. Maybe that'll mean she'll be less of a handful when she does get older?? hahaha ya right!... you can wish huh!? :bustagut:

That's a great photo btw. :righton:
We can't wait til Seth has that look in his eyes. [excited]
theKeeper said:
I still say she looks mature for her age... and the wife agrees. Maybe that'll mean she'll be less of a handful when she does get older?? hahaha ya right!... you can wish huh!? :bustagut:

That's a great photo btw. :righton:
We can't wait til Seth has that look in his eyes. [excited]

BAHAHAHAHAHA [saywhat] less of a handful ... hehehe, that'll be the day. :bustagut: She's already quite a handful, and shows absolutely no signs of easing up. <sigh> but yeah, you're right, you CAN wish, however futilely :P

thanks for the photographic compliment. You can't wait 'til Seth has WHAT look in his eyes? The "I'm a crazy kid" look? :bustagut:

Oh, BTW, is Seth your first? And are there any pictures of your indubitably lovely wife online?

Ya man... in that Gallery i posted the link to. Pics of all of us.

Yep, Seth is our first. If we have another, and as far as i've been "told", we are... it'll be the last. Two's enough for me! 8}

Can't wait til Seth has the look of "self awareness" in his eyes. [honesty]
I'm just so dang eager to "talk" with him and not at him. hehee I'm sounding naive aren't i? DOH! [doh]
theKeeper said:
Ya man... in that Gallery i posted the link to. Pics of all of us.

Yep, Seth is our first. If we have another, and as far as i've been "told", we are... it'll be the last. Two's enough for me! 8}

Can't wait til Seth has the look of "self awareness" in his eyes. [honesty]
I'm just so dang eager to "talk" with him and not at him. hehee I'm sounding naive aren't i? DOH! [doh]

Cool, Mark ... I guess I didn't see ALL the pictures. I'll check it out again.

Yeah, my wife and I have talked about it a fair amount, and for many and varied reasons, we've decided that this one little girl is it for us. Occasionally, though, the desire to have another will strike either or both of us, and we talk about it again. It's never really easy.

self awareness ... that's what I thought. Ariann sure has taken that one to another level [confused] And no, you're not sounding naive at all. I wanted the same thing (and I certainly am never naive ... no, not me, not ever ... [saywhat] ) It'll take a while. Read to him a lot. talk to him a lot. Treat him as if he's a real person, a little adult. Not only will it do wonders for his self-worth and self-esteem, but it will help his consciousness immensely :D

Anyway, if you'd like to chat about new daddyhood, then please feel free to contact me at my ole email address below :)

Oh, and one more for the road, so to speak:
:bustagut: Sorry... just got side-tracked by Mark's new avatar! :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:

Anamacha:Read to him a lot. talk to him a lot. Treat him as if he's a real person, a little adult. Not only will it do wonders for his self-worth and self-esteem, but it will help his consciousness immensely
Right on Anam! :righton: You really can't read (or sing) to them enough, even at the tender age of a few months. There seems to be something 'melodic' and magical about a reading/singing voice. And you'll be amazed at what 'subliminal' messages are being picked up by their sponge-like brains! ;)
:D And that last photo, Anam, is a winner for sure! :righton:
yeah, the avatar ... mark's ... is a bit ... different, eh what? Speaking of which, I've got a new one in the works ... we'll see how that turns out. Hopefully this weekend :D

Anyway, about kids again: Ariann is SUCH a sponge! We were reading to her when she was still in utero, and we played lots of classical music for her. Not only has it seemed to work, but it really really worked! She's incredibly intelligent and articulate. And no, this is not just the proud papa talking ... we get this comment a lot when we're out in public. She never ceases to amaze people ... including us.

Hey that's excellent to hear Anam... cuz we did the same thing. And at this time, Seth is ahead of the curve in a lot of areas. He's even able to voluntarily drink from a cup when presented with it... at 3.5 months. And he was already trying to crawl at 1.5 months. He sits up now, and can pull himself up when we hold his hands above his head. He's really strong. B7

I get the feeling we're going to be proud of him for a lot of things in the furture... cool. [honesty]
Mark, your avatar! haha :bustagut:
Live incomming news report just in:
Mark has found a way to extend his brain capacity to remember every single last detail and code and whatnot of all versions of ps [stuned] :D :bustagut: :bustagut: Can't wait to see more pics [excited]
