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3D 3d show off room

If you do not wish to add on that extra row then instead of selecting the "bridge" here, in stead of selecting both inside faces just choose one and then right click and choose "put on" and then it will change screen face colors and you then select the other inside face and move your cursor off the object and right click... should have snapped things together like eh.... without the extra row in case you still needed a middle edge.... though, it should be noted as well that this method will also leave both sides as seperate objects... if this was you final smooth then great, but if you still intend to subdivide then you will get a resulting orb of tris in those two insides... if you can live with doing yet another loop cut, select, disslove, Put On then go for it ;) :)

Me, I will stick with the bridge... if I have to I can always select each edge of the bridge add on, and do a loop select, hit face, hit the minus- key so as just the new bridge area is selected, then extrude in this case x to put one more row in place... move around so as to gain even spacing and voils... still have that point center edge.


It should be noted here that for all intensive purposes, the majority of details should be included in any model as soon as possible as in apposed to later on after smoothing/dividing... we have taken this example out to a finer mesh so soon onlt to demonstrate the tasks described...

take the boxy version here... the rear thrusters are boxed in at this mesh res, so would be the cockpit form, landing gear or what ever else you can think of making allowances to chunk out the basic form slightly larger in portion than would think as things scale down upon smoothing... also, remember... it is much harder to be tweaking hundreds of poly's as it is to be tweaking tens... so make those shapes boxy, add as much as possible, only then, divide out one smooth, add some more... on and on it goes eh...

happy creat'n all...
.. looks like I should have another look at Wings ... in the meantime here's something relatively simple in Anim8or and IR ... I actually wanted to see if I could get the three images to behave properly ... it worked but the colours aren't right
[doh] [doh] .... I give up ... tried several times to get rid of the 'ghost' ... it was not there when I checked it in IR before posting ... even downloaded the image from the board, edited out the offending image in IR and resubmitted it to the board and the 'ghost' reappeared [confused] [confused] (and it is]/i] the new image 'cos I renamed it!!) [upset] [upset]
and since this is the 3D show off gallery, here is a recap in some of the doodles I have been chunking out fairly recently...along with a couple of painted doodles and a few vector objects from a bit back, and most of the recent 3D stuff I have managed to box out thus far... man this stuff is a blast :D

However, this is the close of the exploratory and now it is time to get down to the next stage in modeling.... some more realistic, non toon like stuff... till then... happy creat'n all... ( don't worry Wendy, she will get those buck teeth yet...hehe...hahahahaha :D )

btw... there is a nasty ngon in one of these models, it was the second one ever done in Wings... can you spot it... (ngon-poly with more than four sides...)
Hey hey, Namvet, didn't see you there... looking cool... yea, Wings is highly praised through out the whole 3D industry... for bax modeling there isn't many better, if any at all...

have fun eh... :)
Kudos gidgit... you're a very patient and helpful guru! :righton:
Haha, nope, not a guru by a long shot... yet... hehe ... [sly]

I am still very much a nub at this 3D game, just really determined to learn it well and learn it quick like is all... I spend way too many hours on the puter... my wife walked by me in the mall the otherday... claimed she didn't recognize me hahahahaha... just joshing... but yea... that's how it is...

I think that I have learned as much through various communities as I ever have on my own... time to give some back is all :) ... besides... that car of Alister's has nice curves to it... I wanna see it finished... go Alister go :D

but thanx just the same... for a half second there I felt pretty good... then I gained focus of the long road yet ahead... haha... ah man, it never ends...

on another note our kitty, Special K is about to have kittens... camera ready :D
Hey congradulations on the kittens there Gidgit :righton: :righton: hehehe, Special K, what a great name :bustagut: :bustagut: can't wait to see the pics :D :D you should put them in the Cat Lovers thread!
any day now Geoff, and yup, I will surely put the pics in the ever funny and cute Cat Lovers trhead :)

Now then, 3D eh... well... from doodle to doodle for me eh... just can't stay in one place for any length of time as of yet... oh yes, I can feel it coming, just not there yet... the more ya stick with it, the more you feel the urge to cut out details... all in good time...

Popped another cube on screen...those damn cubes, lol... anyways.. I wanted to model a sportier car than the last attempt... just doodles folks... but hey, you are able to learn even when just doing the doodle thing eh :D [confused] [confused] :D :bustagut:
and... here's a minor update... we divided the mesh once more, added some mirrors, then made the profile lines along the trunk coming from the back window down to the rear lights, then we went up front and added the same line only not quite so pronounced where this line joins the headlights... moved some edges and points around where the frame meets the windows, and... now we are busy sculpting those wheel wells... this may take a bit more than I expected... hooboy... :D

but, hey it's fun eh... :D
:D That sports car is really "taking shape" gidgit! :righton:
:bustagut: And the "buck teeth" on nerd girl... right on too! :righton:
Yea, I gotta start posting smaller takes along the way, because I geat so many I start wanting to post the worx like this :D

man, we are having a way to much fun... may start on a motor or something along the way, as well wil keep going in and tweaking here and there... just ask Stu... it's endless... hahaha... so, here's the car doodle...

yes it's no where near finished, however even in these stages screens can be captured for a variety of reasons... take that little render for instance... it is obvious by the dark areas being larger than the lit areas in the render, that we probably have an unfinished model here... grin... but you could take the render and maybe half a wireframe at this stage and incorp them into some pretty cool looking web design... so, all is not lost, even in these early doodle and learn stages.. :)
and our scatter brain popped another damn cube on screen... to which, out popped a auto engine... well, sort of.. ha ha, I didn't leave room for pluigs, there is no water pump, etc, ah well, just wanted to see how I would fair in this direction... so, I will back things up some, grab some reference pics and then... you wait and see, one large and way too silly with power souped up car engine coming up for yonder tiny winy sports car... hey hey... finally a project which has enough parts and pieces to enable a doodle here and a doodle there... as long as nothing else pops up that is :D :D
dam, gidget (i puposively spelt it like that ;) :D ), You are so good at 3d, and your really fast at it.. or you have tons of extra free time!!! [stuned] :)
Well, haha, gee, thank you Alister :)

It was really but only a month or two ago or so that all of a sudden like, I could extrude with purpose, and only within the past few days whereby I don't have to think about it anymore... now it's just, well...

way frigging cool is what... I can fly :D... actually I am working myself up to where I can enter some serious 3D CG challenges and stand a chance of winning... still a loooooooooooooooooong ways to go, but... yea, we have cleared the hurdle and are on our way

Still pretty much at the object detail level and need to get down to the nuts and bolts detail level of things... see it, do it eh... :D

It was actually Stu that gave me that understanding... Which could prove to be the single most important part of the whole thing... it was in the water drops on paper thread, whereby if my memory serves me correctly, Stu suggested to simply do it, as in drop some water on the paper and watch it, observe it... what does it look like? this is what you must design... something like that :) (btw, thanks to you Stu... great advice used daily until this latest cubic blunder that is hahaha, off I goes to get some reference pics now )

Hey Alister...keep at it bud... I always look forward to coming here at Mark's and viewing the worx and chatting up a 3D storm with yas... :)
Ehh, gidget.. this is kind of REALLY FREEKY! All of a sudden the same thing is happeining to me! Last night at like 12:300, actually it was yesturday, ahh crap, being up today at 12:05 is messing me up, Argh... [upset] I MEAN the morning of arpril 20th!!! Whatever. Anyways, I was at my computer, really tired after being drilled in track.. again. (btw I hit 400 meters in 1:10 :) ;) ). And so Im sitting and wings 3d is open, and I decide to rough draft out some Ideas for the game I'm working on, and all of a sudden, instead of moving stuff freely, since I was so tired, I worked very slow, maybe like a 3-toed sloth. ok, maybe not that slow! but slow enough that my brain transfered correctly and I started doing things the accurate way, and the smartest way. It was pretty wierd. Here's the things I started on last night:

I also posted this in the show off section :) ;)
gidgit said:
hehe, well... What happens is....

When you choose the whole model and then choose the UV option, you would as said then choose the Projection option.... to which it will generate a map in a pop up window... this map will be a flat looking wire split up in the parts to your model... you end up exporting this to a folder... it exports as a .targa file, which you then open up into PS... You make your textures to fit the areas on the targa file, paste everything down and save as same targa file... then open back into wings and right click anywheres on the open popup map area and choose import> your newly textured file, then choose Apply texture option and voila... you now have a newly textured model.

Like I have suggested, just take a cube and experiment a bit... my version of Wings is an older one because it is the last version which would allow for applying color through SetMaterial> when selecting faces then the right clicking.... the UV was still very experimental at this stage, but seems to work okdoki... however the in newer versions I find it more difficult to apply simple colors as the right click option was taken away and the whole thing ended up on another set of menu's...

This I do like about Wings... you have some version choices... :D

anyhoo, give it a whirl and keep us posted here in how it goes for yas... :righton:

Wow. I tried the projection thinng on the cup, and it didn't work, on te needle.. didn't work, but finally, on te bottle, and it made a map [confused] Whats going on here? Ok, I just tried the cup again. It just said a closed surface cannot be mapped. What is this? Well, its like 1:20 and I gotta get up at 6:00, so emuaahmm [sleepy] Later.. today :D ;)

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