Applause for
ljiljana! :} :} :} That is great.
Thank you for kind words everyone.
Thanks for the easy to follow tutorial,
The background is made with a combination of lighting effects, glass, and displace.
Create a 25 x 25 px document.
Fill with white.
Select all and stroke inside the selection with black at 2 px width.
Define Pattern.
Save and close.
Create a 50 x 50 px document.
Fill with the pattern you just created. Should look like a cross in a box.
Save and name displace.psd
Now we get busy...
Create a 800 x 600 document
Render clouds.
Filter/distort/glass using displace.psd as texture. Distortion 12/Smoothness 2.
Copy layer into an alpha channel.
Render/Lighting effects. (I own a Mac and don't know how to make a screen shot.) Using the alpha channel as yout texture channel place a light yellow #FFFFCC spot light in the upper left corner. Intensity 17, Focus 100, Gloss and Material both 100, texture channel height 51. No other changes.
Place a medium brown #663300 spotlight in lower right corner. Intensity 9, Focus 44, Gloss and Material both 100, texture channel height 51, No other changes.
Run the filter.
Filter/Distort/Displace Horizontal 30%, Vertical 30%, Displacement map -tile, Undefined areas- wrap around.
Click Ok
Repeat filter 4 times.
Filter Distort/Glass -same settings as above.
Image/Adjustments/Curves- click Auto.
...and there you have it.