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Oh tack så jättemycket! Va kul att du gillar det jag gör. Så du finns också på Deviantart?

Thank you so very much, I am glad you like :) Are you too a member of Deviantart?
Fantastiska bilder på din deviant art sida Cindy. Hoppas man kan nå din kaliber med bildmanipulering någon dag.

"Fantastic images on your deviant art page Cindy. One just hopes to reach your level with image manipulation one day."
Hi Stacy, very impressed with your efforts so far, very impressive.
Love this bit on your profile "I'm a new driver after 18 years of trying!" [bustagut]

Keep up the good work

Yeah all settled into getting on with life now bro, winters coming and its getting cooler now down to 14c brrrrr lol
Hope your ok bud, no storms down your way is there?
Bonjour, je suis artiste français 2D.
je n'arrive Pas à moi présentateur sur le forum, pouvez-vous m'aider?
Hi im Stu, i have worked with Photoshop for many years and have had my work published in worldwide publications.
Received FB notification of ypur updates... curious, nossy lizard.... lol
I think I'm borderline retarded or Alzheimer's is setting in lol