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white spots on black background


I am using photoshop elements 7. I consistently have problems when I use paintbucket or paintbrush to make the background or a figure black. It looks okay in a photoshop format but once its made into jpeg tiny white or gray spots appear. I wonder what I am doing wrong. Can anyone help?:sad:
Are you saving it in high quality.
Or when you fill the layer is it an empty layer if there is slight things on there ie if you have ersed something but not erased it 100% then the paint bucket tool will not fill it 100%
I save it in the highest quality and still it happens. I often cut out the entire black image (by selecting the required area) and then paste it on a blank slate but still it happens. The image is black with a few white outlines but once it is saved in jpeg it has white spots all around the white lines, inbetween and at the edges. These white spots are more concentrated around the white outlines inside the black image but are present elsewhere as well.
sounds like your selection is to rough why not upload your psd and someone will take a look at it
This forum does not allow me to upload from my computer. And blogger where I have a blog does not accept psd files.
before I look into this any further you are aware that jpeg does not support transparant areas right. so the outside of the buildings and the windows will be white.
If you want to keep them transparant you need to save it as a png
If you are viewing this in psg beta dark mode so you have a grey background you will see all the white detail has gone except there is some white on bottom left of image
Thanks a lot for you help. I think the problem is solved. There are two things I can do. Save it as png and the image is better than jpeg. Also I will save it at the maximum resolution. Thanks!
Chrome does not work with the picture frame icon, you have to go advanced and use the paper clip icon if still using CHROME.
well hold down control and left click your mouse button on the layer of your image create a new layer then fill with black that will fill everywhere within your building outlines.

If you silohoutte it though you loose a lot of detail.
