A great question and even better observation!!! Note: I had always wondered if I was the only one who noticed this!
Trending content is the forum content that's being most viewed by forum members and gusts (traffic).
In what sense are these items "trending" and merit being front-page news on the PSG website? Am I missing something?
Unfortunately you are not missing anything. The trending content is accurate.
Obviously you've noticed the common dates of the "trending content", which has been mostly 2009 and some 2008. These results are generated from the AI bots, posing as "guests", that are scanning members profiles and forum content containing emails. The emails are just another manner for the AI bots to access the users profile. For some reason, these trending threads are scanned on
constant repeat by the AI bots and therefore they show up as trending content.
All of the '09 threads (some '08) threads contain
email addresses added by the forum user. As new threads get added to the list, I remove the email addresses from them and replace it with *********************. I do this so at a quick glance, I know that I have already edited the thread.
Most of the later forum content is free from email addresses. At some point, the staff adopted the policy of removing email addresses from public posts and signature lines.
This "trending thread" from today still has the emails listed. I will remove them later after you have had a chance to view it.
Noob here. I need to make a zed card & start a portfolio. I have 950 large pics of my daughter. I need to pick the best ones, have both major & minor cropping done, mask a few lines/blemishes, select a few for B&W, and end up with 10-40 gems, mostly suitable for 9X12 printing.
The problem is... I need just a bit of technical help, but mainly someone with an artist's eye for fashion/modeling. Maybe if I could see a pile of your before & after images I'd be able to find the right artist. Or maybe I should take a set of 4 or 5 of her similar images & see what you can do. The pics are...
Just another indicator and reminder that our forum is under constant attack from the AI assisted spammers.