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What Am I doing Wrong Here?



I've been trying out this xbox logo tutorial


Now I was doing alright up untill step 3.

I had the right shading but it covered the whole background and not just in the circle.

Also I managed to get the 3 shapes in step 4 but when it comes to colouring each seperate shape I can't manage to do it, it will just change the whole thing rather than the 1 object.

Thanks for any help!
Morning liquidsun you said I had the right shading but it covered the whole background and not just in the circle. perhaps you did not ctrl + click the layer to select the circle first? try that and see if it works :D
been up for an hour here it is now 7.30am he he he oh and it is Thursday today [excited]
ha ha ha it is the only way I can fit a days work in [:I 6am to midnight is the current work load! next week so far looks a bit quieter I hope [oops]

I'm just letting you see my first ever image I've created :)

I'd say it was simple to do but I can't for the life of me remember what I did, I was just playing with lighting and stuff :D

It's not very good but it made me happy to create it.

Anyway, here it is http://www.awnw25769.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

I'm not fishing for comments or anything, I just thought I'd share it with you.
Hi LiquidSun and welcome to the forum! Now that you've created your "first effort" (excellent, btw) you'll find out just how addictive PS is. Count on laaaaaate nights, as time slips away whilst you're engrossed in experimentation/creation! :\ Welcome to the club!

Continue to create and be happy! ;)
Thanks for the welcome.

Even though this site and the internet has some superb tutorials I'm still thinking of buying a book. I've seen the book by the Adobe team that looks pretty good, any other recommendations?

Although a book is always a good idea, I have to admit that I learnt most from a PC video course and the internet. The Adobe Photoshop 6 (or 7) Classroom in a Book should be a good book for beginners.
The (detailed!) Photoshop Bible by Deke McClelland is a good book as are all his other books. All books by Scott Kelby are good too.
Some other interesting books are the Photoshop 6 Wow! Book, Photoshop Artistry and Photoshop Restoration & Retouching.

I always search for books on www.amazon.com, but buy them at my local store. On Amazon, you can see the price, have a look inside a book, read all the reviews, check out the best selling books, best reviewed etc etc. Trust me, 50 readers saying that this particular book is good for beginners impresses me more than one single opinion ;)

I also believe that to become really experienced, it's necessary to stay in contact with other "Photoshoppers" in forums like these; you learn so much more!
Well said Gaus! :righton:
Excellent choices, Gauss! I have most of those. Deke's PS Bible is my bible. But I'm waiting for our very own Mark to write a book :D
