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Web Design Programs.

Cloak amp; Dagger

Well-Known Member
I need to buy a web design program.

I am trying to deside between Adobe: GoLive or Macromedia: Dreamweaver. \:]

I was told that Dreamweaver does HTML automatically. For me that is a big plus, because, I don't know how to do HTML. However, I don't know if GoLive does HTML automatically. Does anybody know if it does HTML automatically?

If they both do HTML automatically and if anybody here uses Dreamweaver or GoLive, my question is, "Which one do you use, and why did you choose that one?"
I use Dreamweaver MX. I have never tried Golive but most people I know think that Deamweaver is better.

You still need to know html regardless of what program you are using, as there will always be little adjustments to be made.

When I first started coding web sites I used notepad and wrote all the code myself, so now i have the knowledge to read the code on a page and find and fix problems.

I would strongly reccommend that what ever program you decide on, take time to learn basic html as well.

Hmmm. So, basic HTML is a must? \:]

OK. How basic?

Also, can you recommend the best resource for learning basic HTML? Perhaps I should say the most functional resource. [confused]
Hey there C&D. HTML itself is really quite basic. You should be able to learn it within a day. Of course, you may have to use a cheat sheet for some of the tags, but go through w3school's HTML course once and you should have a good idea of it.


While you're there you might think about tackling CSS, which is also really basic. If you get a good grip on it early you'll save yourself the trouble of relearning things later on.

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