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Upside Down Shadow Effects with Type Image


Active Member
Dear friends:

How do I create Upside Down shadow effects?

Here is my original template at:


Here is my revision at:


Please note the words "Diamonds", "Jewelry", "Holiday".

I changed the text in Photoshop, then saved it in ImageReady. Everything went smoothly, but when I saved it as HTML/images, it failed to reproduce the mirror effect. Otherwise, all I did was just change the menu text. Why couldn't I reproduce the upside down shadow effect? How do I do it?

Thank you so much.

Hiya, Benjamin,

It's difficult to know without seeing the original ImageReady file, but one thing to check on:

I'm assuming the shadow text is on separate layers. If so, make sure the layers are visible when you save the file. Also, check the opacity of those layers.

I'm also assuming you sliced the images in IR. Again, make sure the layers are visible and at an opacity where they can be seen. And make sure all your slices are image slices or they won't show properly (check that in the Slice palette).

Hope this helps. Again, without seeing the IR file, it's difficult to tell.
Dear AppleCider (Julie):

Thanks so much for your excellent advice. Will check and report back. I would really like to preserve this upside down mirror effect. Without it, the menu is less than complete.

May I ask you (if you have broadband), if you could take a look at the original PSD file and let me know more precisely what I should do. The URL is


This will bring up the PSD folder. The PSD file in question is the first (1.psd).

When I saved 1.psd in ImageReady, I didn't change anything except the type text (Nav bar). So, I don't understand why the upside down mirror effect was lost when I saved it (optimized as) as HTML/images.

Thanks so very much.

No prob, Benjamin :)

I just downloaded the file; I'll take a look at it later tonight. Gotta run and pick someone up at the airport.
I opened your PSD file in Photoshop and I didn't see the reflection either, until I noticed that the layer called "Reflection Text" was hidden.
Make it visible and your problems are solved.
Yea Chester is right Bud I check it as well and fouind the same thing

Nice site BTW :}
Ditto here. Just turn on the eye on the Reflection Text layer and you've got it :)
Dear friends:

My thanks to all of you for taking the time to download my PSD file and for your expert troubleshooting. Very grateful.

Dear friends:

Well, folks, there seems to still be a problem. I had no problem finding the Reflection layer and turning it on.

BUT, take a look and you'll see that I've changed the type text:


Please note that the original PSD file has: "About us,... Contact" etc, while my revised text reads: "Diamonds...Discounts"

The problem is that the upside down mirror effect is NOT reproduced with the revised text. Instead, you now have:

Regular text: "Diamonds... Discounts."
Mirror text: "About Us... Contact".

Help! How do you solve this problem?

Thanks so much again.

Have you changed the text in the "Reflected Text" layer? Plus, I don't see the reflected text at all in your link.
Benjamin , I revised the text on you original PDF file and emailed you a copy. Let me know if that is what you need

Dear Rick:

Thanks so very much for the revised PSD with the shadow mirror effect. Looks just right.

How did you do it? Is it easy? Can you show me how to do it in Photoshop? I would like to know so that if I wanted to change the menu, I could do it myself.

Thanks again for your kind help.

Benjamin, I just clicked on the Nav type layer to activate the type and made the adjustments there.
Then I duplicated the type layer, then went to Edit/transform/flip vertical.
Place this layer below the type layer select the move tool and position it where you want it and the lower the opacity until you have the desired effect.
On the copy I sent you I used the Edit/Transfrom/Skew tool to give the shadow text a bit of a lean to the right , and that's it


Welcome to the forum Delphi123! :)

Nice clean looking site you've got going... :righton:

Be sure to show it to us when it's complete, or in the meantime, don't hesitate to ask more questions. Everyone around here is more than eager and willing to offer up assistance to a PS newbie! :D

BTW, great assistance and direction Julie & Rick! :}
Dear Rick, WBiss and friends:

Very grateful for the help of all of you generous folks on the forum.

Please see revised site cut up into five pages. Be sure to use the home link at the very top of each page to navigate. Will add more navigation later.


Thanks again.

:righton: shaping up nicely Delphi!

The only suggestion that I might make would be to keep your page colours consistent (as you did on the home page)... but then, this is a matter of personal preference! ;)
Dear wbiss and friends:

Good point about color consistency. This template allows me a certain degree of color "inconsistency" as can be seen from the menu entries at top and the individual sections and pages of the site. However, I do have to make sure that this "inconsistency" is still consistent.

Thanks again.


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