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Unnatural color on my images in Photoshop CS6


Well-Known Member
Cannot find out why all the photos in Pictures folder have a faint greenish tinge which greatly reduces the vibrancy of the images which hasve been shot in broad daylight.
How to recover the natural colors of these images?
I use Photoshop CS6 and my PC is on Windows 10.

Many thanks in advance for your help and patience with an elderly pensioner.
Sorry for the late response, this one slipped through...

Maybe you could post a couple of examples of these particular photo's.

Is your monitor well calibrated?
Many thanks for your reply, and please don't worry about being late. Thank you again.

These pictures were taken in Malta on a bright sunny day; however, you will notice that there is a greyish-blue tinge all over them. When I downloaded them from my digital camera to my laptop, the pictures looked nice and vibrant, replicating the beauty of lovely summer weather. Suddenly, all that changed, and I just cannot figure how to retreive the original colours.


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  • Valletta bastions.jpg
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  • Stone armchair smaller copy.jpg
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Hi, Joej,

I do not see the problem you're describing. Did you try viewing these images on your Smartphone, or iPad? If you do not see the same issue on your mobile devices. I would try to recalibrate your monitor.
First of all, my apologies for this belated reply. Am unwell from the flu.

Herewith a large photo, as requested.
The picture lacks vibrancy. It should be bright without that greyish-bluish tinge, as the stone is a brilliant white, characteristic of the Malta stone. The photo was taken in bright sunlight, and it was, like many other photos in My Pictures folder, always looking its best, until something happened (don't know what!) and it went off-colour.

Hope I am making my problem clearer, and renewed thanks for kindness and patience.



  • Stone armchair.jpg
    Stone armchair.jpg
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A way to check if the coloration of a photo is off is to use the auto-color feature. I did that and nothing changed..........


You were in Malta and you saw the real thing and made a photo of it and it looked like it should be.
When transferred from your device to your laptop they looked the way they should until suddenly there was a color shift.
I can't explain that.
I do not have a reference point and for me this photo looks normal.
May I suggest to place some of those photo's on a flash drive and have a look at it on a well calibrated desktop monitor.
Laptops are known for not having the best monitor...
If the colors are still off on a desktop monitor please post it here and maybe someone will have a solution for you.
Thank you again.

Will have to get my computer tech to re-calibrate the monitor, as I don't know how to do it. He is away on holiday, and will be back early in the New Year.

Kind regards.

Calibrating your monitor isn't a one time thing.
If you want consistent results you should calibrate your monitor every 2 to 4 weeks.
Consider any device you can afford and use it regularly.
Thks for advice, but how to calibrate a monitor? I don't even know what "calibration" means.

Renewed thanks for help and patience.

Thks again, but I just cannot manage. Must wait for return from holiday of my computer tech.

Kind regards.

