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two monitors


Well-Known Member
Has anyone set up photoshop so that one monitor displays artwork and the other displays tools and palletes? Is it even possible? Also, what is the best monitor for using photoshop?
Interesting query pdog182! [confused] Can that even be done???? [confused] I'll be watching for an educated reply! ;)

Officially, welcome to the forum! Enjoy your new home! :D
It can be done. I've seen it and it's very cool.
Once you have the monitors set up, just drag things around.

Try this:
Resize PhotoShop with the little resize dohicky in the lower-right. Even though PS's window is small, you can drag palettes and what-not all over the place. That is, they don't have to be in PS's window.
I saw some show on t.v. once where this guy was explaining how to set the computer up so theres 2 monitors. On one monitor you have one program up, and on the other, you have a diffrent program up (both programs maximized), and you can bring the cursor through both monitors wich allows you to work in two maximized programs at once!!! So If when ever photoshop 8 comes out (mabee in a yr. or so) If i end up buying a 40 gig external i've been planning to get, I could be working on photoshop 7 and 8 at the same time [excited] :D haha, what a thought! :D
Once you have the monitors set up, just drag things around.
now that would be handy ... so an explanation (or url) of how to set up the 2 monitors on the one comuputer would be good :)
namvet said:
too much Chardonnay last night!!!
And that was LAST night...

I wonder in what state you were in when you emptied your last glass... :bustagut:

Are you sure that you din't have a drink with Vee, because if so, I can understand...don't blame ya :D
I can only speak for Macs...I've had 2 monitors attached for years. Currently one is a 21" and the other an ancient 15" The smaller one is used strictly for palettes.

Depending on your computer and OS, you'll need a graphics card capable of handling the extra monitor, and giving the system extra VRAM. Once you set that up, you can go to a control panel (different on each OS, including Mac OS 9 & 10) and fine-tune the monitors' positions and display, resolutions, etc.
My Macs at work have dual ATI cards. I keep my image on a 21" Viewsonic and my palettes on whatever 17" monitors happen to be available. At home, on my pc, I use a Matrox dual head video card. I highly recommend Matrox cards for Photoshop work, and I think most other PS pros will also. Dual monitors are the only way to go. Eliminates a lot of clutter around your image. Interestingly Windows 98 will support up to 9 monitors, but I'm not sure about 2K or XP.
Interesting info! ;) Thanks all for your input! :righton:
It can be done, and it is very handy. It mostly depends on your video card. Matrox was, and probably is unsurpassed for 2D. Unfortunately when it comes to 3D, Matrox can't follow. Not even the Parhelia.
I have now a Geforce2MX 32MB that allows for dual monitor setup. I did try it out, and it worked flawlessly, yet, the 14" monitor being old and allowing only for 640x480, I didn't continue this.
I'm musing on upgrading my comp one day, and then I'll go to 128MB videoram, and dual planes. Radeon9700Pro or Ti9600...???

Good news for mac users: in the next version of OSX, codename "Panther", mac will support more that 64mb video ram, and they will try to implement the dual planes also. Take that together with the new IBM processors, and the G5 (codename Zoo ;) )will be a formitastic puter. I wonder whether they will keep the L3 cache...:righton:

Another advantage of having dual monitors is built-in in Photoshop:

You know you can use the duplicate command so as to have two copies of your work open. This allows you to see the changes you apply. These can be on two different monitors. With docked palettes and the habit of using shortcuts for your tools, this can indeed be very handy.

Then you also have Duplicate's sister. Very handy for detail tweaking and painting indeed. Go to Window>Documents>New Documents or, if you're on PC, use the shortcut Alt+w+d+w. This opens the same image in a new version, allowing you for example to zoon into one in detail and see the global effect on the other one. Great also if you image exceeds your screen real estate. Then you can keep one at actual pixels and one to Fit on Screen. Curves/Levels becomes so much handier...
dual monitors

I use two monitors (for the Mac)..one for the actual work and the other (an old Dell) for palettes. It gets interesting when setting up them for using the Wacom. I went into Control Panel, Monitor, Arrange. I clicked and dragged the 2nd monitor to the right so that my cursor naturally slips to the right into the 2nd monitor (for palettes). Now both act as though it was one big long monitor. Using the wacom gets a bit interesting so I keep both very close to each other.

I'm using 2 as well, it's great for several Reasons...

For 1 you have a lot more working space, second I use a TFT screen for the Actual work, and a normal 17" iyama for the Palletes.

the answer to how it works?!: Well you just get 2 videocards or 1 with 2 extensions, I got a Geforce 4 Ti 4600 which is great for Video and Imaging because I can switch the second monitor from 17" screen to my TV and back.. while the Main screen my TFT remains normal.
I just extended the Desktop to the second screen with Nview from Nvidia,
if you have Nvidia Chip it's really simple, but with different Cards Windows (XP and 2000) give you the same possibility, some what less options though, but still it works.

TFT is great for working with Photoshops, because the colors (IF properly Calibrated) are really Great as is the total screen quality.

Well, if you have any specific questions go ahead, perhaps I can answer them.

But this is all for now

ps: If you want PS on 2 screens just Don,t make Photoshop Fullscreen in Windows (oops forgot to say I'm using a PC not a mac) but just make the window as big as possible and drag the left (or right) side on into the second screen until it fills the whole of it. simple as that.

Okay, that seems easy enought to set up. Thanks for the info. What exactly is the difference between crt and tft monitors? Which ones have the two lines that run horizontally across the screen. I'm getting ready to upgrade here and I don't think I could live with those annoying lines for another 5 years or so. [upset]
The CRT (Cathode Ray Tube, like your TV) monitors with trinitron and diamondtron tubes got the two lines, but you get quickly used to it! (I don't notice it unless I look for them)

TFT (LCD's) monitors are way more expensive, and you need the high end to get good colours/contrast and refresh rate (it's even possible to calibrate them, now...)

BEWARE!!!! using two monitors is highly addictive!!! ;)
Bizarre...I have a Flatron CRT and I don't see any lines at all... Indeed: first and only time I ever saw them was on macs. So I thought it was typical...
Well Lucky me lives in Europe...
and I got a TFT So no lines for me.. except for the Sony Triniton 17" I had which broke down.. it has 2 lines Now :D but no more or less...

Anyway.. 2 monitors IS addictive.. I used in on my 500 Mhz Pentium 3..
but I had 784 Rams (or something like that) and a geforce (the first with 32 mb DDR) to keep it running smoothly....

I upgraded last December (2,66 Ghz, 120 GB, 512 333Mhz DDR ram, Geforce4 Ti4600 128 DDR) so Now it's no problem..
setup is really easy (like I said before)

And I never saw a CRT in my LIFE... perhaps it's not a European Production.... no idea.. anyway.. a good TFT screen with atleast 75 Hz refresh and 1024*768 Screen is fine for Photoshop.. I never saw better Colors (if calibrated I must URGE!!) on any monitor.. not even the most Expensive Philips, Iyama or what ever..


