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trying to put a car on a mountain road

well i used a blue-yellow-blue gradient to get the yellow part in the middle
however i just experimented by reducing the intensity of yellow to more
mountain road srt.jpg

but the glow seems to have gone. i will work on the windshield next
ive tried to create some soft flares
what do u think
im not too happy with this effort but these are better than the default flares in ps
mountain road srt.jpg
Three layers, two with colour fills picked from original image, lens flare applied and made car bigger closer to frame also did a radial blur set at zoom then positioned low to floor.

appreciate the effort done paul
like i said im going for a dark look
i will finish off the work with some soft flares
i would like to put some soft squarish yellow flares
how can i do that
i made an attempt at this by making small squares and then using gaussian blur to give them
a faded look
To get closer to the look you are trying to emulate, don't forget to control the tonality (ie, contrast, brightness), level of detail, and color (blue-pink duotone) of the background. You should also take a look at the brightness of the sky directly above (and in back of) the car + the shadow it casts. Perhaps something like this.



  • mountain road_srt-tjm02_698px_wide-02.jpg
    mountain road_srt-tjm02_698px_wide-02.jpg
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tom thanks for the example
i have considered the effect of the background tone on the overall
tone of the car. in ur edit the car has become much brighter than the background
to me it looks kinda out place
perhaps the car in my pic is a little dark but the light source from behind
is throwing the correct glow on the roof and hood .
maybe i can do with changing the tone of the car.
let me try to do a few adjustments on the windshield and overall tone of the car
i actually got this tone by duplicating the car layer and setting the blend mode to
Do a direct A-B comparison between the 2nd image in your 1st post, ie , the look u said u are trying to emulate, and the most recent attempts posted in this thread. I think you'll see that the car in the image to be emulated is even brighter and has more shadow detail than the car in my version.


PS - is your viewing / editing system, especially ur monitor hardware calibrated?
Do a direct A-B comparison between the 2nd image in your 1st post, ie , the look u said u are trying to emulate, and the most recent attempts posted in this thread. I think you'll see that the car in the image to be emulated is even brighter and has more shadow detail than the car in my version.


PS - is your viewing / editing system, especially ur monitor hardware calibrated?

i think i lost my initial goal as my work on the picture progressed. from trying to emulate the look and feel of the
challenger pic i wanted a dark grundge feel to the photoshop.
i agree the challenger pic and much more sunlight and the car is more brighter. not the look i wana go for now
i would like to tweak my latest work to give it a nice dark poster cinematic feel

err i wasnt aware if monitor hardware calibration. where can i read more on that
thanks for the info
Ahh. Now I understand. Changes in direction like that sometimes happens. I'm very literal, so I stuck with the original goal.

However, if the new goal is a dark grunge look, I think one could do better. If I have time late tonight, I see if I can throw something together along those lines.

WRT monitor hardware calibration, I'm about to run out the door, so I can't reply at the moment, but if you simply Google {monitor hardware calibration site:photoshopgurus.com} and
{monitor hardware calibration site:photo.net},

you'll find more discussion of this topic than you can imagine. It's a *very* big deal in the pro graphics / photography / pre-press world.

Gotta run,

I'm looking foreward to ur version of the grundge look
I will search and learn about monitor calibration
ok i think im done with this image
i lightened the rear windshield to let some light through
added some soft flares i cant think of anything more to do
perhaps the sun glow maybe i should position it lower close to the car roof?
what do u think about the flares keep them or remove them?

mountain road srt.jpg
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Hi Kar1zma -

I started thinking about giving your image a grunge look, and I realized that we probably have different things in mind when we think of "grunge".

Specifically, I think of a dirt-like texture, film grain, digital noise, splatters, and similar things. These are also the first few hundred hits that come up if you Google {grunge photoshop}. However, when I look at what you have done in this thread, you seem to be thinking more about changes in brightness, shadowing, and matters such as flare, reflections, etc. So, I basically decided not to do anything until we get a chance to chat a bit more about what you really are looking for.


PS - Actually, I did throw together a quick and dirty night simulation to see if this was on the right track, but I doubt it is. Also, for this little sketch, I took almost zero care with masking and other details -- I was more interested to see if the major global changes (eg, brightness, contrast, color, detail / softness, etc.) were moving in the right direction before I wasted time going in some direction that you weren't interested in.


  • mountain road_srt-tjm03grunge-ps02a_698px_wide-01.jpg
    mountain road_srt-tjm03grunge-ps02a_698px_wide-01.jpg
    232 KB · Views: 13
hey tom
thanks for ur effort
we do seem to have different view about the grundge look.
well it seems like this is a night photoshoot. dosent seem to have the gritty feel

its a great pic for a halloween kinda theme ( in my opinion) and i have other ideas in mind
when i see ur work. at this point i am more of less happy with what ive ended up with
it partly resembles the work i was trying to replicate. gives it a cinematic effect
its kinda gritty.

also the gurus are dissapointed as with my earlier work i had to abandon it due to bad angles and lighting.
but im still confused about the glow should i end it with the glow above the car or touching the car as in
version 2
