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Things you might not know in Photoshop

ok i have one, that i figured out the other day...

did u know that at the bottom of your document window where that small dialog box on your left hand side displays either document size, profiles,dimentions,selected tools etc...if you click and hold down on the bar where it displays the name, you will get a pop up box that will tell you

1. width and height in pixels and inches (at the same time)
2. how much channels is in your document
3. and your resolution in pixels/inch
OK keyboard short cuts then
Did you know that if you select the text tool and type in these combination of numbers you can get copyright symbols etc
  • For the Copyright symbol (©) Hold the Alt key down and type 0169.
  • For the Trademark symbol (TM) Hold the Alt key down and type 0153.
  • For the Registered symbol (®) Hold the Alt key down and type 0174.
So you can easily watermark your work from now on lol

These are ASCII characters. This combination would work not only in Photoshop, but even in RUN or any other text editor. :thumbsup:

This is not a 'hidden' feature... :wink:
These are ASCII characters.
This is not a 'hidden' feature... :wink:

I don't think this was referred to as a "hidden feature" -- just something that can be applied in Photoshop. Doesn't say it is exclusively a feature of PS.

Lol, my humour does not fly well i suppose ha ha.

I got it Paul.
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Ok may be this one can help some when you are working on a mask with a brush or just using a brush. Did you know that instead of going all the time to the opacity box you can just type 0 to get 100% opacity and then 1 to get 10% 2 for 20% and so on?
Well this is not a tip or feature but it confused ,e for a few minutes when i was working on a project. If your brush tool, eraser tool or smudge tool is selected, normally you would have the shape of the brush but if CAPSLOCK is one the brush turn into a crosshair, it only changes visually, the effect and size of the tool remain what you selected.
Not sure if this is just one I've only recently discovered and everyone knows it:

Instead of just pressing the Tool shortcut keys (V - select, B - brush, M - marquee), if you hold it, it'll be "spring-loaded" and when you release the key, you'll return to the tool you were last using.

Saves a lot of time if you need to zoom in real quick or something like that.
i didn't realise that in transform mode, if you double click, it confirms the changes for you rather than having to click the 'tick' ;)
Here is one I didn't know until recently and it is a real time saver. If your zoomed in and need to get back to the fit screen view..double click on the Hand tool.

Also, I learned what the 2nd eyedropper tool does (the one with the + sign). If you click in your graphic with that tool, it sets up a reference point to check your color info. When working with it, when you hover over the reference point, your color info is displayed. To get rid of the reference point, right click on the point with the tool and the top item is Delete.
Not sure if this is just one I've only recently discovered and everyone knows it:

Instead of just pressing the Tool shortcut keys (V - select, B - brush, M - marquee), if you hold it, it'll be "spring-loaded" and when you release the key, you'll return to the tool you were last using.

Saves a lot of time if you need to zoom in real quick or something like that.

just tried this to see if it works , i started on the patchtool , pressed b for brush and held it in , yes when you let go it goes back to patch tool but it wont paint when being held in
