You think it should go here, someone else thinks it should go there.
Someone else thinks it should be named this, and another person thinks it should be called that.
There are three sticky posts in that section explaining the rules and the "one and only announcement" on PSG appears in that section.
All the Administrators and Moderators have signatures that link to all the rules and they include the Freelance section rules and yet nobody understands what's going on.
Nobody is reading the stickys, the rules, the announcements, etc., etc.
Finely, it's been our experience that although we move a few posts, most post are in the right sections.
Unfortunately, most post in the Freelance section that shouldn't be there are a result people not reading the stickys, reading the rules, or paying attention to the section they're replying to.
I appreciate that a specific thread may have been moved to the Freelance section, I have no record of it one way or another, but our members need to take some responsibility and be aware of the section they're replying to.